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Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Revised Wolfen Race for Marth Ice World (Labyrinth Lord AEC)

I find myself tinkering on Labyrinth Lord Advanced Edition Companion races lately for my homebrewed ice world of Marth. I've always been a fan of werewolf / humanoid wolf races in D&D. They are somewhat based on the Palladium wolfen and I picture them having a quasi-Buddhist and shamanistic culture.

Setting Blurb: Marth is a dying world that has been locked in a perpetual ice age after the death of most of its gods due to their avarice and the powerful kingdom slaying rituals of mere mortals. There is a shread of hope though. Recently many have had recurring dreams of the last surviving goddess Fallosnimia waking up from her deep ages long slumber. Many believe the awakening of the nature deity means that there will be warmer days ahead.


Requirements: DEX 8, WIS 8 

Ability Modifiers: DEX +1, INT -1

Ability Min/Max: STR 3/18, DEX 8/19, CON 6/18, INT 3/18, WIS 8/18, CHA 3/18

Wolfen are covered in thick warm fur. They typically weigh about 185 pounds and are between 5 ½ to 6 feet tall. Though they tend to be peaceful friendly people, they defend their territory and families with their lives. Many wolfen meditate on the open tundra, listening for guiding wisdom on the colf wind.

Special Abilities

*Wolfen can use any weapon granted to them by class, but they are limited to natural armor made from materials like leather, hide, pelts, and scales.

*Cold Resistance: They take half damage from cold and 150% damage from fire.

*Wolfen have excellent hearing. They hear noise as if they were a thief of the same level but with a +1 bonus.

*They can track as well as a ranger can due to their strong sense of smell.

*In addition to normal melee attacks wolfen get an extra free bite attack. The attack roll is modified by their DEX modifier. It deals 1D4 damage + STR modifier.

*Wolfen can speak common, elvish, gnoll, wolfen, and yeti.

Wolfen receive the following saving throw bonuses: 

• +4 save versus breath attacks 

• +1 save versus wands 

• +1 save versus spells or spell-like devices

• +6 save versus cold


Wolfen may select from the following classes, with the indicated level limits. 

Druid 10

Fighter 12

Monk Unlimited (wolfen monks deal +1D6 extra damage due to their claws)

Ranger Unlimited

Thief 8


Wolfen thieves receive the following bonuses and penalties to thief abilities: 

Pick Locks -15% 

Pick Pockets -10% 

Move Silently +15% 

Hide in Shadows +10% 

Monday, December 21, 2020

Revised Uldra Race for Marth Ice World (Labyrinth Lord AEC)

I find myself tinkering on Labyrinth Lord Advanced Edition Companion races lately for my homebrewed ice world of Marth. I tweaked the gnome and halfling races, and I also added in a few uldra abilities from various AD&D sources like Dragon Magazine. I eliminated the ice dwarf, gnome, and halfling from the setting of Marth. The uldra here replace all three. 

Setting Blurb: Marth is a dying world that has been locked in a perpetual ice age after the death of most of its gods due to their avarice and the powerful kingdom slaying rituals of mere mortals. There is a shread of hope though. Recently many have had recurring dreams of the last surviving goddess Fallosnimia waking up from her deep ages long slumber. Many believe the awakening of the nature deity means that there will be warmer days ahead.


Requirements: DEX 8, CON 8

Ability Modifiers: +1 CON, +1 INT, -1STR

Ability Min/Max: STR 3/16, DEX 8/18, CON 8/18, INT 3/18, WIS 3/18, CHA 3/16

It is said that uldras are distant ancestors of the elves and dwarves, and share many of their idiosyncrasies. They have a wide range of appearances, and average about 3 1/2 feet tall. They tend to be very slender, averaging 80 pounds. Uldras generally dwell in hills or on mountainsides, and they often wander free over the barren tundra. Their habitations often overlap with elves, and these two races are typically very friendly, if not familial, to each other. Uldras are renowned for their ability to tame wolves and wild dogs, and most of them travel with one of these domesticated animals.

Special Abilities

*Uldras are small and may not use large and two-handed weapons, but they may use weapon and armor as indicated by class. Also their armor class rating is one better due to their size and innate knack for avoiding danger.

*Uldras are immune to cold damage, but they take 200% damage from fire. 

*Their skin is cold to the touch and all their melee attacks deal +1D6 extra cold damage. Arrows and bolts fired by them deal +1D4 extra cold damage.

*They have a 2 in 6 (1-2 on 1d6) chance of detecting dangerous or unsafe natural terrain, and finding wilderness snares and traps. Uldras must be actively searching for these abilities to function.

*They always know true North, and those who try to track them find no tracks, even in deep snow, as their feet leave no trace.

*Uldras have an uncanny ability to disappear in the frozen wilderness. In bushes or other outdoor cover (like snow), they can hide with a 90% ability.

*Uldras speak the common tongue, dwarvish, elvish, uldra, wolfen, and yeti. They can also communicate in basic fundamental ways with most natural animals.

*Optional Cantrips: If you are using cantrip spells in your game they can cast a number of them per day equal to their level.

*Note that uldras and the other races do not have darkvision.


Uldras receive the following saving throw bonuses:

• +2 save versus breath attacks
• +2 save versus poison
• +2 save versus petrify or paralyze
• +1 save versus wands
• +1 save versus spells or spell-like devices

Uldras are resistant to poison and paralysis and as such they receive bonuses to defend against these effects. In addition, their small size grants them a bonus to finding cover and avoiding danger.


Uldras may select from the following classes, with the indicated level limits.

Druid Unlimited

Fighter 6

Illusionist 8

Magic-user 8

Ranger Unlimited

Thief 10


Uldra thieves receive the following bonuses and penalties to thief abilities:

Climb Walls -5%

Find and Remove Traps +7%

Move Silently +15%

Open Locks -10%


Artist: John Bauer

*Note that in Marth the Druid replaces the Cleric.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

A Song of Ice and Fire House Fortunes for Birthright AD&D 2nd Edition

In the A Song of Ice and Fire RPG House Fortunes is a thing you can roll for once per month. This I think is something that could easily be added to the Birthright domain turn as another step.

To make this work add up all of your holdings and provinces and for every 10 that you control you get a +1 to the roll. Also add your Regent's character level to the roll. Aditional modifiers could apply if you possess non-weapon proficiencies that apply. I suggest only a +1 modifier per proficiency however. 

D20+lvl+modsHouse FortuneD20+lvl+modsHouse Fortune
2Disaster 18Blessing
3Curse 19Curse
4Decline 20Blessing
5Disaster 21-22Growth
6Growth 23Curse
7Decline 24-25Growth
9Curse 28Boon
10Decline 29Curse
11Growth 30-31Blessing
12Boon 32-34Growth
13Decline 35Blessing
14Blessing 36Boon
15Growth 37-41Growth
16Curse 42+Boon


Choose two of the following: a beneficial alliance, a peace treaty to end a war, an arranged marriage, a free tradecroute is created, one new holding (level = 1D4), 1D8 GBs, or 2 armies.


Choose two of the following: a peace treaty to end a war, end border crossings and conflict, one new holding (level = 1D2), 1D4 GBs, 1 army, increase an existing holding 1D2 levels.


Increase a Province by one, a holding by one level, and build something for free.


Decrease a Province by one or decrease a holding by one level.


Choose two: 1D4 armies disband, lose 1D4 GBs, holding destroyed, all of the holdings of one type decrease by 1 level.


Choose two: An alliance is broken, plague in the land (decrease all provinces by 1), -1D6 GBs, lose a province, 1D4 holdings are destroyed, lieutenant is murdered, 1D4 roads are destroyed, all holdings of one type are decreased by one level.


Artist: Albrecht Altdorfer

Friday, December 18, 2020

Revised Elf Race for Marth Ice World (Labyrinth Lord AEC)

I find myself tinkering on Labyrinth Lord Advanced Edition Companion races today for my homebrewed ice world of Marth. I also added in a few extra special abilities from AD&D. There are several sub-species of elves on Marth, and their descriptions are down below the main LL AEC details.

Setting Blurb: Marth is a dying world that has been locked in a perpetual ice age after the death of most of its gods due to their avarice and the powerful kingdom slaying rituals of mere mortals. There is a shread of hope though. Recently many have had recurring dreams of the last surviving goddess Fallosnimia waking up from her deep ages long slumber. Many believe the awakening of the nature deity means that there will be warmer days ahead.

Revised LL AEC Elf

Requirements: INT 9

Ability Modifiers: See the sub-races below.

Ability Min/Max: STR 3/16, DEX 7/19, CON 6/18, INT 9/18, WIS 3/18, CHA 3/18

Description: Elves are slim fey beings with pointed ears, and narrow faces. They typically weigh about 120 to 160 pounds and are between 5 to 5 1/2 feet tall. Elves are very talented fighters, users of magic, and they have an innate connection to the natural world. The life span of these creatures is a dozen centuries long which they often use to persue artistic pastimes.

Special Abilities

*Elves are immune to charm and sleep spells of all sorts. They also only need to sleep for 4 hours for a full night's rest.

*Because of their connection to nature, elves are immune to the paralysis ghouls can inflict.

*When employing either a bow of any sort other than a crossbow, or a short or long sword, or a scimitar, elven characters gain a bonus of +1 to attack rolls.

*Elves get a +4 save versus cold.

*Elves can speak: common, elvish, goblin, gnoll, neanderthal, uldra, wolfen, and yeti.

Note: Elves and the other races do not have darkvision.


Elves may select from the following classes, with the indicated level limits.

Assassin 10 (Shadow Elf Unlimited)

Druid 8 (Blood Elf Unlimited)

Fighter 7 (Shadow Elf Level 10)

Illusionist 11 (Twilight Elf Unlimited)

Magic-User 11 (Twilight Elf Unlimited)

Paladin (Knight) 6

Ranger 8 (Blood Elf Level 10)

Thief Unlimited

Note: the Druid replaces the Cleric in the setting of Marth.


Elven thieves receive the following bonuses and penalties to thief abilities:

Skill Adjustment

Pick Locks -5%

Pick Pockets +5%

Move Silently +7%

Hide in Shadows +10%

Hear Noise +1*

*Elves receive a better dice range for hearing noises. For example, 1st level elven thieves hear noises on a 1-3, and at 9th level it is 1-5. Hear noise may never be better than 1-5.


The following abilities are in addition to the information above, or modify the above abilities.

Blood Elf

(They survive only by drinking the blood of animals and other humanoids).

Ability Modifiers: CON +1, CHA -1

*Cold Resistance: They take half damage from cold and 150% damage from fire.

*Keen Eyes: When blood elves are actively searching to detect hidden and secret doors they are successful with a roll of 1-2 on 1d6.

*Track Like a Ranger: They can track things when out in the wilderness exactly like a Ranger can, but this does not apply to tracking creatures in underground environments. They also have no movement penalty over ice and snow.

Shadow Elf

Ability Modifiers: DEX +1, WIS -1

*Backstabbers: When using daggers and shortswords they deal +2 damage.

*Poison Drinker: Immune to All Poisons.

*Deadly Silence: If alone and not in metal armor (or if well in advance of a party) a shadow elf character moves so silently that he or she will surprise monsters 66% (d6, 1 through 4) of the time.

Twilight Elf

(All are born blind without eyes)

Ability Modifiers: INT +2, STR -1

*Blindsight: They can sense all foes within 20 feet as a sighted creature would. Beyond that range, they treat all targets as having total concealment.

*The Bond is Strong: They get a free loyal familiar: Even if they are not a Magic-User. They can only see through the eyes of their familar as they have no eyes themselves. They can also bond with one willing humanoid and see through their eyes as well.

*Born of Magic: They only need 4 hours of meditation or rest to regain their spells. They can cast one extra spell per day for every spell level that they can cast. Example: +1 1st level, +1 2nd level, etc.

Blood5'6"160Red or PinkWhite w/ BeardWhite, Red Veins
Shadow5'3"140Green or VioletBlackGray
Twilight5'0"120NASparse WhitePale Gray


Art: Creative Commons

Revised Dwarf Race for Marth Ice World (Labyrinth Lord AEC)

I find myself tinkering on Labyrinth Lord Advanced Edition Companion races today for my homebrewed ice world of Marth. I also added in a few extra special abilities from AD&D. There are several sub-species of dwarves on Marth, and their descriptions are down below the main LL AEC details.

Setting Blurb: Marth is a dying world that has been locked in a perpetual ice age after the death of most of its gods due to their avarice and the powerful kingdom slaying rituals of mere mortals. There is a shread of hope though. Recently many have had recurring dreams of the last surviving goddess Fallosnimia waking up from her deep ages long slumber. Many believe the awakening of the nature deity means that there will be warmer days ahead.


Requirements: CON 9

Ability Modifiers: See the sub-races below.

Ability Min/Max: STR 8/17, DEX 3/17, CON 9/19, INT 3/18, WIS 3/18, CHA 3/16

Dwarves are a particularly hardy and stubborn people. They value high quality craftsmanship, precious metals and stones, and live deep underground. Although only 4 or so feet tall, they weigh no less than 150 pounds due to their stocky muscular build.

Dwarves typically band together in clans which are not mutually exclusive or hostile but they are highly competitive. They have a reputation for having surly attitudes, and are particularly gruff with elves. Rocky hills and mountains are the favorite abode of these sturdy creatures, and their clanholds far below the surface of the world are breathtaking to behold. If they survive their toils in the mountains and the bloodlust of battle they can live to roughly 350 to 400 years old.

Special Abilities:

*Due to their short height, dwarves cannot use most two-handed weapons or longbows. However, they can use any other weapons or armor allowed by their class. 

*No matter what class they choose dwarves are proficient with all hammers, and spears.

*Due to their great hatred of goblins, giants, ogres, orcs, and trolls, all dwarves gain a bonus of +1 on their attack dice rolls to hit these opponents.

*When dwarves are in melee with giants, ogres, trolls and yetis, these monsters must deduct 4 from their dice rolls to hit their dwarven opponents due to the size and skill of the latter in combatting these large creatures.

*From their experience underground, dwarves have a 2 in 6 (1-2 on 1d6) chance of detecting traps, false walls, hidden construction, or noticing if passages are sloped. Dwarves must be actively searching for these abilities to function. 

*In addition to languages known based on the character's intelligence, a dwarf character will also speak: the common tongue, dwarf, elven, goblin, neanderthal, orc, and uldra.

P.S. Note that dwarves and the other races do not have darkvision.

Dwarves receive the following saving throw bonuses:
• +2 save versus breath attacks
• +4 save versus poison
• +4 save versus petrify or paralyze
• +3 save versus wands
• +4 save versus spells or spell-like devices 

Dwarves are hardy beings, resistant to magic and poison, and as such they receive bonuses to defend against these effects. In addition, their small size grants them a bonus to finding cover and avoiding breath attacks.


Dwarves may select from the following classes, with the indicated level limits.

Assassin: 9 (Unlimited for Gray Dwarves)

Druid: 7 (Unlimited for Fire Dwarves)

Fighter: 10

Paladin (Knight): 8

Ranger: 9 (Level 12 for Fire Dwarves)

Thief: Unlimited

Note: the Druid replaces the Cleric in the setting of Marth.


Dwarven thieves receive the following bonuses and penalties to thief abilities:

Pick Locks +7% 

Find and Remove Traps +10%

Climb Walls -10%


The following abilities are in addition to the information above, or modify the above abilities.

Fire Dwarf

Ability Modifiers: CON +1, WIS -1

*Firestarter: All melee attacks with metal weapons deal +1D6 extra fire damage. Wooden weapons will be destroyed by fire after one use by them. Their skin is also warm to the touch, and they can raise the temperature in confined sealed spaces as a small fire would.

*Soul Forge: Any spell that is cast by a fire dwarf that deals fire damage is treated as if it were cast by a magic-user one level higher.

Gray Dwarf

Ability Modifiers: CON +1, CHA -1

*Iron Bones: All their damage rolls deal +2 extra damage.

*One with the Stone Father: They can hide with a 90% chance if they stand completely motionless next to any type of rock or stone of roughly the same size as the character. This ability works even if they are in plain sight. They can also walk though a number of feet of stone equal to their character level. Example: a 6th level gray dwarf can walk though 6 feet of stone.

Sub-raceHeightWeightEyesHair Skin
Fire4'6"180Solid Black RedLight Brown
Gray4'0"150Solid Gray Black (Balding)Pale Gray

*The Ice Dwarves have completely died out. It is unknown what killed them, but other... beings have taken over their silent halls.


Artist: Haidy Wittmann, THE DWARF.

Creative Commons Art.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Free Dungeon Doodles for Your Published RPG Projects

Hey everyone, 

This year sucked, so have some free dungeons.

If anyone wants to use some of my free dungeon doodles in a published or online project (blog, PDF, Zine, etc.) just credit me as Tim "Samwise7" Harper. Feel free to edit them, key up the rooms, remix them, color them in, butcher them and glue them together, whatever you want to do. \m/

Here's hoping that 2021 isn't as terrible. Happy Holidays!

Dungeon 1

Dungeon 2

Dungeon 3

Dungeon 4

Dungeon 5

Dungeon 6

Dungeon 7

Dungeon 8

Dungeon 9

Dungeon 10

Dungeon 11

Dungeon 12

Dungeon 13

Dungeon 14

Dungeon 15

Dungeon 16

Dungeon 17

Dungeon 18

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

D66 Critical Hit Damage Table

This was designed for D20 type games. I bet it would work well in a sci-fi game where energy weapons such as blasters and laser swords are present. Powerful artifact / magic weapons might use it as well.

It might be good to only use this when players roll a critical hit. Perhaps a nasty Big Bad antagonist could use them as well. It's REALLY deadly if you roll doubles...

To roll a D66 it is best to use two different color dice (2D6) and designate which is the 10s column and which is the 1s column. For example if you had a Red die for the 10s and a Blue dice for the 1s and you rolled Red 5, Blue 6, then the result would be 56.

Note: I created this in a blurry haze of sleep deprivation and "tired tears." Yawwwnnn.

D66 Critical Hits Table

11. x9 Damage

12. Regular Damage +2

13. Maximum Damage

14. x2 Damage

15. x3 Damage

16. x4 Damage

21. Regular Damage +1D6

22. x7 Damage

23. Maximum Damage

24. x2 Damage

25. x3 Damage

26. x4 Damage

31. Regular Damage +1D6

32. Regular Damage +2

33. x5 Damage

34. x2 Damage

35. x3 Damage

36. x4 Damage

41. Regular Damage +1D6

42. Regular Damage +2

43. Maximum Damage

44. x6 Damage

45. x3 Damage

46. x4 Damage

51. Regular Damage +1D6

52. Regular Damage +2

53. Maximum Damage

54. x2 Damage

55. x8 Damage

56. x4 Damage

61. Regular Damage +1D6

62. Regular Damage +2

63. Maximum Damage

64. x2 Damage

65. x3 Damage

66. x10 Damage

Optional Rule I: in addition to the regular damage sustained above, the target of the critical hit also bleeds an amount of damage equal to the 1s column. For example, a roll of 64 would mean they are bleeding 4 hit points per round until the wound is tended to, wrapped in a bandage, or magically healed.

Optional Rule II: in addition to the regular damage sustained above, the target of the critical hit also has to deal with another complication based on the 10s column.

1. Target is knocked Unconscious no matter how many hit points they have remaining.

2. Target falls flat on their back. They are Prone, but they can make attacks or defend themselves with a penalty.

3. Target must make a Saving Throw / Dexterity Stat Check / etc. or they break a bone of the DM/GM's choosing.

4. One piece of armor/clothing, an item, a shield, or weapon is utterly destroyed.

5. Target falls flat on their face. They are prone, and cannot attack or perform any actions other than composing themselves and standing up (if they are able to). This might be a round of Stun in your system of choice.

6. Target must make a Saving Throw / Constitution Stat Check / etc. or die.

Monday, December 14, 2020

A Song of Ice and Fire Historical Events for Birthright AD&D 2nd Edition

The Historical Events table from the ASoIaF RPG can be folded into the Birthright Random Events table, or be another step in the turn. It could be a way to randomly increase/decrease holdings & provinces every so often. I'm going to try to translate that table into AD&D 2nd Edition Birthright lingo below.

Call it a Destiny / Winds of Chaos / Winds of Fate sort of thing perhaps. Maybe it would only once a year (at the end of every 4th Turn).

Roll 3D6

3). Doom

4). Defeat

5). Catastrophe

6). Madness

7). Invasion/Revolt

8). Scandal

9). Treachery

10). Decline/Descent

11). Infrastructure

12). Ascent

13). Favor

14). Victory

15). Villain

16). Glory

17. Conquest

18). Windfall

Ascent: +1 to Diplomacy rolls, Regain a lost Holding or Province (Treat as an automatically successful Contest & Investiture), +1 Free Army, and +1D6 GBs.

Catastrophe: -1 to a Law Holding, Population loss (-1 to Province), Lose 1 Army, and -1D4 GBs.

Conquest: -1 to a Fortification, +1 to Diplomacy rolls, Gain a free new Non-Law Holding, -1 to a Law Holding, Population increases (+1 to Province), and +1D4 GBs.

Defeat: -1 to a Fortification, -1 to Diplomacy rolls, Population loss (-1 to Province), Lose a Holding or Province (Automatic loss to a Contest and Divestiture), Lose 1 Army, and -1D4 GBs.

Decline/Descent: -1 to Diplomacy rolls, Lose a Holding (Automatic loss to a Contest and Divestiture), Lose 1 Army, and -1D4 GBs.

Doom: Lose 2 levels of Fortification, -2 to Diplomacy rolls, Lose 1 Province (Automatic loss to a Contest and Divestiture), -2 to a Law Holding, Deadly Plague -1D4 to a Province, Lose 1D4 Armies, -1D6 GBs.

Favor: +1 to Diplomacy rolls, Gain a new free Holding, +1 to a Law Holding, and Gain one free Army.

Glory: +1 to a Fortification, +1 to Diplomacy rolls, +1 to a Law Holding, and Gain one free Army.

Infrastructure: Choose 1D4 of the following: +1 to a Fortification, +1 to Diplomacy rolls, Gain a new free Holding, +1 to a Law Holding, Population Explosion +1 to a Province, Gain a free Army, +1D6 GBs.

Invasion/Revolt: -2 to a Law Holding, Lose population -1 to a Province, Lose one Army, and -D4 GBs.

Madness: 1D4 - 1D6 (total is gain or loss to a Fortification), 1D2-1D4 (total is a modifier to Diplomacy rolls), 1D2- 1D2 (total is how many Provinces you gain or lose), 1D4 - 1D2 (total is how many Holdings of your choice you gain or lose), 1D4 - 1D6 (total is how many levels of law holdings you gain or lose), 1D6 - 1D6 (total is how much you increase or decrease Provinces), 1D4 - 1D6 (total is how many Armies you lose or gain for free), and 1D6 - 1D8 (total is how many GBs you gain or lose).

Scandal: -1 to a Fortification, -1 to a Holding of your choice, and Lose 1 Army.

Treachery: -1 to Diplomacy rolls, -1 to a Law Holding, and Lose 1 Army.

Victory: +1 to a Fortification, +1 to Diplomacy rolls, and Add one free Army.

Villain: +1 to Diplomacy rolls, -1 to a Law Holding, Lose population -1 to a Province, and Add one free Army.

Windfall: +1D2 to a Fortification, +2 to Diplomacy rolls, Gain a Province (Treat as an automatically successful Contest & Investiture), +2 to a Holding, +2 to a Law Holding, Population Explosion +2 to a Province, +1D6 free Armies, +1D10 GBs.

Monday, December 7, 2020

Birthright Revised Solitaire Random Tables (AD&D 2nd Edition)

Update: Last edit on Dec 6th, 2021. Major overhaul of Random Events Table.

After playing around for some full turns in my solo Birthright AD&D campaign, and starting a PBP game with a few online friends I wanted to modify the tables I posted earlier to try to figure out what surrounding Regents and their Kingdoms do for each turn. In my solo game too I handwaved a lot, and I want to be a little more exact and specific with other players.


1-2 Assassination* (1D6: 1-3 Assassin from Another Kingdom, 4 Assassin from Your Kingdom, 5 Assassins' Guild Activity Increases, 6 New Conspiracy Against Regent Forms).

3 Blood Challenge* (1D6: 1-2 NPC, 3-6 Awnshegh)(1D6: 1-3 Duel, 4-5 Military Action, 6 Grievous Insult).

4-7 Border Events (1D6: 1-3 Border Dispute, 4 Border River Changes Course, 5 Refugees, 6 Settlers).

8-12 Corruption / Crime* (1D8: 1 Crime Wave, 2 Kidnapping, 2-3 Lieutenant, 4-5 Priests 6-7, 8 Thieves' Guild Activity Increases).

13-18 Diplomatic Matter* (1D8: 1-2 Alliance, 3-4 Peace Agreement, 5 Political Plot, 6 Threats, 7 Trade Issue, 8 Your Choice).

19-22 Discovery (1D10: 1- 2 Ancient Ruins, 3 Archeological Find, 4-5 Magical Source, 6 New Building Technique, 7 New Farming Technique, 8 New Resource, 9 Shipwreck, 10 Treasure).

23 Drug Epidemic

24-27 Festival* (1D12: 1 Birth, 2-3 Feast, 4 Funeral, 5 Harvest, 6 Heroic Deed, 7 Holy Day, 8 Games in an Arena, 9 Marriage, 10 Remembrance, 11 Sacrificial, 12 Seasonal).

28-29 Feud*

30-33 Great Captain / Heresy* (1D10: 1-2 Cult Activity, 3-5 Great Captain, 6-7 Heretic, 8 New Religion, 9 Holding Destroyed, 10 Temple Razed).

34-35 Illness (1D8: 1-3 Lieutenant, 4 Noble, 5-6 Plague / Pestilence, 7-8 Regent)(Death Chance = 10%).

36-41 Intrigue*

42 Lieutenant (1D4: 1-2 Dies, 3-4 Leaves Your Service).

43-45 Magical Event* (1D20: 1-2 Artifact Found, 3-5 Haunting, 6 Leyline Destroyed, 7-8 Leyline Moves or Shifts, 9-15 Shadow World Gate Opens, 16-17 Realm Spell Cast, 18-19 Strange Rituals, 20 Weird Event of Your Choice).

46-50 Matter of Justice*

51-55 Military (1D6: 1-2 Berserkers, 3 Invasion from the Sea or by River, 4 Pirates, 5-6 Troops Disband).

56-65 Monsters or Brigandage* (1D12: 1-2 Deformed Animals, 3 Demons, 4 Devils, 5 Dragon, 6-7 Gnolls, 8 Mysterious Beast, 9-11 Orogs, 12 Vermin Hordes).

66-76 Natural Events* (1D6: 1-5 Problem, 6 Advantageous)(1D20 Problems: 1 Roll Twice & Combine Results, 2 Avalanche / Landslide, 3 Blizzard, 4 Cave-in, 5 Cold Snap, 5 Dust Storm, 6 Drought, 7 Earthquake, 8 Famine, 9 Floods / Monsoon, 10 Hail / Ice Storm, 11 Heatwave, 12 Hurricane, 13 Sandstorm, 14 Strange Clouds / Mist, 15 Thunderstorm, 16 Tornado, 17 Tsunami, 18 Volcano, 19 Wildfire, 20 Roll Again and Somehow it us Beneficial).

77-85 No Event*

86-88 Religion (1D10: 1-2 Divine Rituals, 3-4 Founding a New Order, 5 Holy Person / Cleric Emerges, 6-7 Holy War, 8 Inquisition / Witch Hunt, 9 New Temple Built, 10 Realm Spell Cast).

89-91 Signs in the Sky (1D12: 1 Arcane Storms, 2-3 Asteroid Storm, 4 Comet, 5 Eclipse, 6 Firestorm, 7-8 Flock of Birds Dies and Falls, 9 Great Conjunction, 10-11 Strange Stars, 12 Weird Cloud Predators).

92-97 Trade Matter* (1D6: 1-5 Problem, 6: Advantageous)(1D8 Problems: 1-2 Closure of Trade Route, 3-5 Economic Bust, 6-7 Increases in Duties / Tariffs, 8 Labor Dispute).

98-100 Unrest or Rebellion*

*Listed in the Birthright rules. The other results are left up to the GM's interpretation.


Ω Optional Actions from the Regency book

Allied Kingdom

1-7 Build  

8-9 Decree  

9-10 Disband  

11 Finances  

12 Grant  

13 Move Ships Ω (or No Action)  

14-15 Move Troops  

16 Move Troops by Sea Ω (or No Action)  

17 Muster Armies  

18-20 No Action

Neutral Kingdom

1-6 Build  

7-10 Decree  

9 Disband  

10 Finances  

11 Grant  

12 Move Ships Ω (or No Action)  

13-15 Move Troops  

16 Move Troops by Sea Ω (or No Action)  

17-18 Muster Armies  

19-20 No Action

Enemy Kingdom 

(They Declared War in the last 4 turns or they were attacked by your Regent's kingdom in the last 4 turns and not an Ally)

1-2 Build  

3-4 Move Ships Ω (or No Action)  

5-12 Move Troops  

13-14 Move Troops by Sea Ω (or No Action)  

15-19 Muster Armies  

20 No Action

Untamed Kingdom / Wilderlands

Example: The Giantdowns

1 Build

2-3 Move Ships Ω (or No Action)

4 Decree

5-6 Grant

7-9 Move Troops

10-12 Move Troops by Sea/Waterway Ω (or No Action)

13-15 Muster Armies

16-20 No Action


Ω Optional Actions from the Regency book

Allied Kingdom

1-4 Adventure (1D20. 1: Lieutenant or Regent dies, 2-3: Lieutenant or Regent wounded - loses 1 Domain Action recovering, 4-6: Break even/no treasure, 7-9: Treasure: 1d2 GBs, 10-12: Treasure: 1d4 GBs, 13-15: Treasure: 1d6 GBs, 16-19: Magic Item Found, 20: Artifact Found)

5-6 Break Alliance  

7-11 Agitate (Another Kingdom)  

12-15 Contest (Another Kingdom)  

16-20 Create Holding (1D6: 1-2 Guild, 3-5 Law, 6 Source or Temple)  

21-22 Declare War (Another Kingdom)  

23-24 Diplomancy (Another Kingdom)  

25-26 Espionage (Another Kingdom)  

27 Exploratory Trade Ω (Or No Action)  

28-29 Forge Ley Line (Or No Action)  

30-35 Fortify (1D6: 1-3 Border Province, 4 Internal Province, 5-6 Capital)  

36-39 Gift (1D4 Gold Bars to Your Kingdom)  

40-45 Investiture (Another Kingdom)  

46 Ley Link Ω (Or No Action)  

47-50 Lieutenant (1D6: 1-4 Create New, 5-6 Lieutenant Takes Character or Domain Action)  

51-60 No Action  

61-63 Ply Trade  

64-68 Progress Ω  

69-74 Realm Spell (Or No Action)(1D6: 1-3 Your Kingdom Benificial Spell, 4-5 Their Kingdom, 6 Another Kingdom)  

75 Research (Or No Action)  

76-86 Rule (1D6: 1 All Holdings of One Type, 2-3 One Holding, 4-6 Province)  

87 Sea Trade Route Ω (Or No Action)  

88-89 Trade Chain Ω (Or No Action)  

90-98 Trade Route (Or No Action)  

99-100 Trade Services Ω (Or No Action)

Neutral Kingdom

1-3 Adventure (1D20. 1: Lieutenant or Regent dies, 2-3: Lieutenant or Regent wounded - loses 1 Domain Action recovering, 4-6: Break even/no treasure, 7-9: Treasure: 1d2 GBs, 10-12: Treasure: 1d4 GBs, 13-15: Treasure: 1d6 GBs, 16-19: Magic Item Found, 20: Artifact Found)

4-8 Agitate (1D6: 1-2 Your Kingdom, 3-6 Another Kingdom)  

9-15 Contest (1D6: 1-2 Your Kingdom, 3-6 Another Kingdom)  

16-20 Create Holding (1D6: 1-2 Guild, 3-5 Law, 6 Source or Temple)  

21-28 Declare War (1D6: 1-2 Your Kingdom, 3-6 Another Kingdom)  

29-34 Diplomancy (1D6: 1-2 Your Kingdom, 3-6 Another Kingdom)  

35-36 Espionage (1D6: 1-2 Your Kingdom, 3-6 Another Kingdom)  

37 Exploratory Trade Ω (Or No Action)  

38 Forge Ley Line (Or No Action)  

39-46 Fortify (1D6: 1-3 Border Province, 4 Internal Province, 5-6 Capital)  

47-48 Gift (1D2 Gold Bars to Your Kingdom)  

49-55 Investiture (1D6: 1-2 Your Kingdom, 3-6 Another Kingdom)  

56 Ley Link Ω (Or No Action)  

57-60 Lieutenant (1D6: 1-4 Create New, 5-6 Lieutenant Takes Extra Character or Domain Action)  

61-65 No Action  

66-67 Ply Trade  

68-70 Progress Ω  

71-74 Realm Spell (Or No Action)(1D6: 1 Your Kingdom, 2-4 Their Kingdom, 5-6 Another Kingdom)  

75 Research (Or No Action)  

76-86 Rule (1D6: 1 All Holdings of One Type, 2-3 One Holding, 4-6 Province)  

87 Sea Trade Route Ω (Or No Action)  

88 Trade Chain Ω (Or No Action)  

89-97 Trade Route (Or No Action)  

98-100 Trade Services Ω (Or No Action)  

Enemy Kingdom

(They Declared War in the last 4 turns or they were attacked by your Regent's kingdom in the last 4 turns and not an Ally).

1-2 Adventure (1D20. 1: Lieutenant or Regent dies, 2-3: Lieutenant or Regent wounded - loses 1 Domain Action recovering, 4-6: Break even/no treasure, 7-9: Treasure: 1d2 GBs, 10-12: Treasure: 1d4 GBs, 13-15: Treasure: 1d6 GBs, 16-19: Magic Item Found, 20: Artifact Found)

3-15 Agitate (Your Kingdom)  

16-25 Contest (Your Kingdom)  

26-28 Create Holding (1D6: 1-3 Law, 4-6 Source or Temple)  

29-60 Declare War (Your Kingdom)  

61-63 Diplomancy (1D6: 1-4 Another Kingdom, 5-6 Your Kingdom)  

64-70 Espionage (Your Kingdom)  

71-75 Fortify (1D6: 1-4 Border Province, 5-6 Capital)  

76-81 Investiture (Your Kingdom)  

82-84 Lieutenant (1D6: 1-4 Create New, 5-6 Lieutenant Takes Extra Character or Domain Action)  

85-90 Declare War on another kingdom (not yours).

91-96 Realm Spell (Or No Action)(1D6: 1-4 Your Kingdom, 5-6 Their Kingdom)  

97-98 Rule (1D6: 1 All Holdings of One Type, 2-3 One Holding, 4-6 Province)

99-100 Theft! They steal 1D10 gold bars from your treasury!

Untamed Kingdom / Wilderlands

Example: The Giantdowns

1-15 Adventure (1D20. 1: Lieutenant or Regent dies, 2-3: Lieutenant or Regent wounded - loses 1 Domain Action recovering, 4-6: Break even/no treasure, 7-9: Treasure: 1d2 GBs, 10-12: Treasure: 1d4 GBs, 13-15: Treasure: 1d6 GBs, 16-19: Magic Item Found, 20: Artifact Found)

16-18 Agitate (1D6: 1-2 Your Kingdom, 3-6 Another Kingdom)  

19-21 Contest (1D6: 1-2 Your Kingdom, 3-6 Another Kingdom)  

22-24 Create Holding (1D6: 1-2 Guild, 3-5 Law, 6 Source or Temple)  

25- 30 Declare War (1D6: 1-2 Your Kingdom, 3-6 Another Kingdom)  

31-34 Diplomancy (1D6: 1-2 Your Kingdom, 3-6 Another Kingdom)  

35 Espionage (1D6: 1-2 Your Kingdom, 3-6 Another Kingdom)  

36 Exploratory Trade Ω (Or No Action)  

37-40 Forge Ley Line (Or No Action)  

41 Fortify (Border Province)

42-43 Gift (1D2 Gold Bars to Your Kingdom)  

44-48 Theft! They steal 1D4 gold bars from your treasury!

49 Ley Link Ω (Or No Action)  

50-60 Lieutenant (1D6: 1-4 Create New, 5-6 Lieutenant Takes Extra Character or Domain Action)  

61-80 No Action  

81 Ply Trade  

82-83 Progress Ω  

84-88 Realm Spell (Or No Action) (Their Kingdom)  

89 Research (Or No Action)  

90-93 Rule (1D6: 1 All Holdings of One Type, 2-3 One Holding, 4-6 Province)  

94 Sea Trade Route Ω (Or No Action)  

95-96 Trade Route (Or No Action)  

97-98 Trade Services Ω (Or No Action)  

99-100 Mercenaries join your service (1D4 random units).

For the sake of completeness here is that Oracle again.

D20 ORACLE (When in doubt, ask a question, apply the modifier, then roll and interpret the results).


Impossible -6

Highly Unlikely -3

Unlikely -2

Possible 0

Likely +3

Highly Likely +5

A Certainty +7

D20 Oracle

*Zero is the lowest possible result*

Natural 1: Interrupt. Roll on the Random Events Table. Lose 1 Domain Action.

0-3 No, And...

4-8 No

9-10 No, But...

11 Maybe. Roll again or use GM Fiat.

12-13 Yes, But...

14-17 Yes

18-20+ Yes, And...

Natural 20 Interrupt. Roll twice on the Random Events Table and pick one. Gain one more Domain Action.

Other links

Friday, December 4, 2020

Birthright Solo RPG Campaign AD&D 2nd Edition (Turns 1-4)

Hello. Here are some write ups from my Birthright solo campaign. Enjoy.

I just started a solo campaign in the AD&D 2nd edition Birthright RPG setting. I'm ruling the Dwarven kingdom of Baruk-Azhik. I'm used to the video game and this is my first time actually using my physical books/box sets.

I feel like I'm getting a few things wrong, but I'm sure as I go along I'll get better at it.

After Turn 1, a mysterious meteor with a new metal was recovered, many roads were built, an alliance with Coeranys to the West was sealed, and the Dwarves have gone to war with the Elves of The Sielwode and taken 3 territories from them.


Turn 2

I didn't spend a lot of Regency the first turn so I burnt a whole lot this turn.

**Random Event**

A major landslide happened in Rivenrock, but we shored it up with support walls and newly planted tree saplings.

I've set the taxes low for the newly acquired Sielwode provinces to try to sway their loyalty.

It's going to take time to create and increase holdings there. I plan on doing more of that after the war with the Elves ends.

**Free Actions**

I built more roads, and mustered more troops.

I used the Investiture option to fully take over 4 foreign guilds on Baruk-Azhik soil but that really chewed through a lot of Regency. The Points East Trading Guild has been wiped out.

**Domain Actions**

Action #1  

I casted Blight on a province of Sielwode to erode support for their Regent.

Sielwode attacked but their armies were destroyed. Kiergard attacked as well but with heavy losses the Dwarves prevailed.

Action #2  

We created a law holding in one of the Sielwood provinces.

Sielwode summoned a Legion of the Dead and hurled them at the Dwarves. We suffered more heavy losses but the Dwarves were victorious.

Action #3  

Declared war on Sielwode and took over 2 more provinces. Only one Dwarf army was slain as the Elves were overwhelmed.

Chimaeron and Coeranys keep messing with each other. This time Chimaeron took a Law holding.

Kiergard created a magical device that emulates a magical Source.

Turn 3

**Random Event**

New Resource Discovered (Diamond Mine).


I increased taxes in the Sielwode provinces to pay for the increased costs of new troops. The Elf Wars have been deadly. The fields of carnage have drank deeply of Dwarven blood.

The extra income from some more holdings was a nice little bonus this turn. I decided that the Elves mostly invested in Magical Sources and that their land is raw and mostly wild. The Birthright book doesn't describe what holdings Sielwode has.  

**Free Actions**

Most of the actions were mustering armies and moving troops to the front.

My son helps me play from time to time so he is using Diirk Watershold, the Spymaster of the guilds of the Dwarf kingdom. He wanted to take control of some more guild holdings so we wiped out the Maesil Shippers who had 3 guilds in Dwarf territory. He was also granted a title due to his loyalty to the realm.

We also improvised and made up a Transfer Funds action to give our ally Coeranys 10 gold bars.

We finished up by building more roads along with a statue commemorating the defeat of the Elves and their Undead minions (they cast a Realm spell in the last turn).

Our funds got dangerously low (6GB) due to heavy mustering of troops. They were needed though.

**Domain Actions & Neighboring Kingdoms**

Action #1  

Declared War on Sielwode and after some tough battles we utterly destroyed the Elves and laid siege to their capital city (which I assumed had a fortified castle). Luckily the dead require no maintenance costs... Eek.

At this point I think I need to make up a spreadsheet or just a fancy DIY graph paper sheet to keep track of all of the improvements and tax levels in each province.

Kiergard spied on us.

Chimaeron agitated.

Coeranys fortified along their border with Chimaeron.

My son was so excited that we took over the whole forest.  

Action #2  

Create Law Holding in one of the Sielwode provinces. It's a nice Law vs. Chaos thing going on. The Dwarves are bringing some order to these Northern wilds... :D

Sielwode attacked from their fortified castle in their capital city but they were not able to break the siege.

Mur-Kilad (new neighboring kingdom) spied on us.

Coeranys declared war on Chimaeron. They were defeated however.

Kiergard declared war on us and captured one of the Sielwode provinces! Curses!  

Action #3

We declared war on Kiergard and recaptured the Sielwode province that was stolen. This is beginning to feel like a land war in Asia. :D

Mur-Kilad fortified.

Coeranys ruled and improved a province.

Chimaeron declared war on Coeranys and they took 2 provinces!

Sielwode attempted to break the siege but failed.

Turn #4

**Random Event:** Matter of Justice  

The tired road crews demand some time off due to the extensive amount of roads they have been building.

**Regency.** I really need to increase my Regency by one point in one of the future turns. 24+38= 62 Regency Points

**Taxation.** I was taxing the Elven provinces before I used Investiture by mistake. I'll fix that this turn. 63 Gold Bars total.

**Domain Maintenance:** -5GB  

Armies: -20GB  

Court: -6GB

**Free Actions**  

1. Decree to give the road crews time off. No new roads this Turn.

2-10. Investitures to lay claim to the Sielwode provinces as my own. Burned a lot of Regency to make that possible... Since I'm a Cleric these are Free Actions.

11. Finance. Extra wealth from the Mines. +12 GB

12. Raise Diirk Watershold (Thief & Guildmaster) to a Lieutenant.

13. Muster Armies: +4 Light Dwarven Cavalry (Mountain Goats).

14. Muster Armies: +4 Heavy Dwarven Cavalry (Rams).

15. Move Troops to the borders.

**Domain Actions**  

I started the long process of Creating Law Holdings in Sielwode (3 of them). I'll have to use the Rule action later to increase them in level.

Lieutenant Domain Action (Diirk): Create Guild Holding in a Sielwode province. It's nice to get an extra Domain Action each turn.

**Neighboring Kingdoms**  

Coeranys uses Investiture twice on Holdings of Chimaeron and succeeds once. The regent went on an Adventure as well.

Chimaeron Ruled and increased a Magical Source, cast Demagogue as a Realm Spell, and Declated War on Coeranys. They took a province from them. As Coeranys' ally I really need to head south and take out the Chimera...

Elinie (new neighbor) made a few Decrees and went on an Adventure.

Markazor (new neighbor) Declared War but was repelled from our lands. Looks like I'll need to keep a few more troops on the Northern borders.

Mur-Kilad Ruled, Declared War on Kiergard and expanded its Dwarven borders and Agitated in Kiergard.

Kiergard Created a Temple, Fortified along its border, and Declared War on Mur-Kilad but failed to repel the Dwarves.

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Happy Holidays 2020 RPG Card

Hey everyone. I hope you have a great holiday season and that next year is better for all of us. \m/

This one is a bit easier to read on a device... :D