Monday, December 1, 2014

Keeping a Current House Rules / Rulings List

As a DM/GM in old school games, you have to come up with answers to questions from the players that aren't covered by the rules.  I think this is one of the strengths of using a rules-lite game such as Labyrinth Lord because you can craft the game to your liking very easily by adding on small layers of complexity as time goes on.  It just feels organic somehow to do this as a campaign progresses, like the game is slowly growing under your loving care.  It is like you are a gardener as you prune away rules and plant new ones.  

As a DM/GM I always want to be fair and consistent with the players.  So to make sure that happens, I always jot down the rulings I make as we play.  This way I can keep my own past rulings straight, and the players feel like they have a consistent and fair interaction with the rules and past precedents.  These rulings can also be called house rules if you like, and I think it is always important that your players know what house rules you have come up with for your games.  I always try to give my players a list of house rules before we even start playing, but some of them creep up after you start. 

So, if you are running a game out there, make sure to keep a list of what makes your game different when it concerns the rules, and your players will greatly appreciate you being organized and fair.  Also remember that the players should have some say on your house rules as well and a discussion with them at the start of a campaign about house rules can make sure that everyone is alright with them. 


  1. A good habit is to periodically update a text or Word(ish) document with your cumulative house rules. This can be left as a .pdf on a site you host, and a link in your game descriptions for convention runs can be downloaded by interested players if you do this sort of thing regularly.

    1. That would be handy to have a file online to link to so the players can check on it anytime that they want to.

    2. just started compiling changes in one i'm running, hadn't thought about hosting it online incase of further changes. cool.

  2. just started having to... bashing bits of old world of darkness with bits of the pre-god machine new one, phasing out virtue and vice with nature and demeanor, and using a slightly varied version of one of the combat mechanics in one of the vampire supplements in a mortals game thats beginning to become a lot more like changeling with other worldly creatures, dream encounters, and travel to strange realms occuring.
    most of the strange pantheon the players are beginning to encounter are still works in progress and am having to home brew their abilities as though spirits and demons offer a good foundation, they arent entirely 'right'
    am very thankful I have obsidian portal and note down as much as I do each session, even if it sometimes slows games down (my slow handwriting) the players dont seem to mind as they are enjoying the game and their characters. =)
    as much as I enjoy playing in games, by gods its good to be gm'ing a proper story again =)

    1. Yes it sounds like you will need to keep track of things and keep it ordered. I normally start out organized and then it all goes to shit and disorganization as the campaign progresses. I just don't spend enough time KEEPING things organized as the game goes on. Good luck figuring it all out.
