Monday, March 22, 2021

Lord of the Rings Playing Cards (2 Deck Oracle)

I used to collect a lot of the Lord of the Rings stuff for the Peter Jackson LotR movies. I have a set of these in a tin but this set was sent to me by a friend and the tin got destroyed in shipment. So, we play 500 Rummy with these cards as a large deck. 

I've been kicking the idea of using playing cards as an oracle for solo gaming and these might be decent for that.

Anyway, I was curious as to how many characters were used on the faces and how many copies of each that there was. There is an evil and good deck.

Evil Deck:

1 Troll, 8 goblins, 11 Uruk-Hai, 15 Saruman, 17 Nazgul.

2 Nazgul Wild Cards.

Good Deck:

1 Aragorn, 1 Elrond, 1 with Four Hobbits, 2 Bilbo, 2 Frodo, 2 Samwise + Pippin, 4 Arwen, 4 Elven Boats, 4 Galadriel, 4 Rainbows with Gandalf + Frodo, 4 Statues with Stairs, 5 Eomer, 6 Gandalf, 6 Gimli, and 6 Legolas.

2 Frodo Wild Cards.

It would be easy to use the various characters as a type of theme to influence what each card number and suit represent. You could also have an evil card mean something different than a good one.

I also found Lord of the Rings: The Confrontation from Fantasy Flight Games on my shelves and it had some interesting cards in there too.

Evil: The Eye of Sauron, Magic, Palantir, Retreat, and cards numbered 1-6.

Good: Elven Cloak, Gandalf the White, Magic, Noble Sacrifice, Retreat, Shadowfax, and cards numbered 1-5.


1 comment:

  1. Cool idea! I've been looking into various card and dice inspiration systems (from Tarot to dice oracles to just the good ol' random tables). I'm sure these would be cool to interpret as well.
    Nazghuls: Death from above, an enemy or peril you cannot necessarily "kill", and have to outwit or hide from? Palantir: the antagonists somehow learn about one of the party's plans? Saruman: Christopher Lee shows up and everybody is amazed by his versatility as an actor and gentlemanly manners.
