Thursday, November 10, 2022

BRP Skills: An Optional Improvement Variant


I played DungeonWorld a few years ago, and I like how that system gave out XP for failures. Failure after all is a great way to learn. This influenced the way I'm handling skill improvement in my BRP Skyrealms of Jorune campaign which has about twice as many skills.

If you use any skill, you get a checkmark to attempt to increase that skill at the end of the session. Standard BRP only does that for successful skill checks. 

If you roll higher than your skill then you get to add +1% to your skill total. It isn't much, but I'm also planning on running a longer campaign.

That's it. Have a good one out there folks.


  1. Slight tangent but the Improvement system in the Renaissance system (Another D100 system) is similar as even if you fail the improvement roll you still get a little bump in the skill level which is nice as you never feel that anything is a waste.

    1. I like the sounds of that system. Thanks. I'll have to look it up. My BRP / D100 spot on my book shelf is rather lacking...

  2. Nice. Though I remember that sinking feeling where "nothing I do is right..." - I didn't learn anything from those failures except not to try.

    1. I tried to give out a generous amount of starting percentage points for their skills, so hopefully they don't feel that way for most skills.
