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Thursday, April 27, 2023

Fantasy Egypt & Sumer Project: D100 Egyptian Pantheon

*Last Update: 5/4/23*

I have this Fantasy Egypt campaign idea where two rival ancient kingdoms are connected by a Nile-like river. One worships my versions of Egyptian gods, while the other worships Sumerian deities. This setting is burning a hole in my DM brain. So, I'm going to be tinkering on it in the next few weeks.

I am picturing many religious temples and hierarchies of priests in both kingdoms vying for power and also working to fight the sway of heresy from across the river. I'm picturing the characters all being multiclass Clerics in the Egyptian kingdom. Dump in a bunch of khopesh swords, pyramids, and a lot of random encounters with crocodiles & desert creatures and you get the idea.

There are a lot of great older resources (Deities & Demigids, Desert of Desolation, GURPS Egypt, Legends & Lore, Valley of the Pharaohs, etc.) for this idea, and some newer ones like the Egyptian-themed Magic: the Gathering CCG sets, Egyptian Adventures - Hamunaptra, etc.

My versions of the following gods will be slightly different than the source material, and will have more of a fantastical edge to them.

I think I'm going to go with the name of Kemet & Desheret for the setting which are Egyptian names for the dark soil around the rivers and the red dirt/sand of the desert. 

1. Ahti
(Wasp-headed Hippo)
Portfolio: Chaos, Danger, Death, Destruction, Insects, Poison, Venom
51. Manduilis
(Ram-headed Hawk with Crown of Cobras)
Portfolio: Air, Glory, Light, Rams, Scalykind, Snakes, Sun
2. Aker
(Two-headed Lion)
Portfolio: Death, Earth, East, Future, Guardian, Horizon, Law, Lions, Past, Protection, Underworld, West
52. Mehen
(Snake Coiled Around the Sun)
Portfolio: Good, Protection, Scalykind, Snakes, Strength, Sun
3. Amenhotep
(Pharaoh Granted Godhood)
Portfolio: Death, Funerals, Good, Healing, Knowledge, Lore, Medicine, Repose, Sages, Scribes, Wisdom
53. Mehet-Weret
(Cow with a River Pouring Out of her Mouth)
Portfolio: Air, Cows, Good, Flood, Rivers, Sky, Water
4. Ammit / Ammut
(Crocodile-headed Lion-Hippo Hybrid)
Portfolio: Animals, Crocodiles, Hippos, Hunger, Judgement, Lions, Panthers, Truth
54. Meretseger
(Human-faced Naga)
Portfolio: Cobras, Law, Poison, Scalykind, Silence, Snakes, Venom, West
5. Amun / Amon*
(Ram-headed with a Goose on Top)
Portfolio: Creation, Foretelling, Frogs, Geese, Good, Hidden Power, Invisibility, Law, Oracles, Pharaohs, Prophecy, Rams, Secrets, Spirits
55. Meskhenet
(Woman Sitting on a Brick Giving Birth)
Portfolio: Birth, Community, Creation, Destiny, Fate, Good, Healing, Protection
6. Amunet
Portfolio: Hidden, Invisibility, Power, Secrets, Scalykind, Snakes
56. Min
(Mummy Holding a Flail)
Portfolio: Battle, Chaos, Embalming, Fertility, Mining, Repose, War
7. Anat
(Warrior Woman with Axe, Lance, & Shield)
Portfolio: Battle, Good, Loyalty, Protection, War
57. Montu
(Falcon-headed with Cobra Crown Riding a Bull)
Portfolio: Air, Battle, Courage, Destruction, Sacrifice, Sky, Suffering, War
8. Anhur / Onuris
(Arms Raised to Kill his Enemies with 4 Plumes on his Head)
Portfolio: Battle, Chaos, Hunting, Strength, Violence, War, Warrior
58. Mut
(Vulture-headed Mother)
Portfolio: Air, Birds, Birth, Death, Good, Healing, Mothers, Vultures
9. Antewy / Antiway
(Two-headed Falcon)
Portfolio: Air, Balance, Birds, Duality, Falcon, Integration, Opposites, Peace, Punishment, Reconciliation
59. Naunet / Nunet**
Portfolio: Creation, Good, Poison, Rivers, Scalykind, Snakes, Venom, Water
10. Anubis
Portfolio: Balance, Cemeteries, Death, Embalming, Judgement, Law, Magic, Mummification, Repose, Rites, Rituals, Scales, Stomach, Tombs
60. Nefertem / Nefertum
(Cat-headed with Lotus Flower Staff)
Portfolio: Cats, Creation, Earth, Flowers, Good, Nature, Plants
11. Anuket / Ankhet
(Gazelle-headed with Ostrich Feathers)
Portfolio: Animals, Desert, Hunting, Wilderness
61. Neith
(Warrior Mother Nursing a Crocodile with a Shield with Two Crossed Arrows)
Portfolio: Battle, Birth, Cloth, Creation, Crocodiles, Hunger, Mothers, Nursing, Stomach, Textiles, War, Weaving
12. Apis-Buchis-Nemur
(Bull-headed with Sun Between his Horns)
Portfolio: Bulls, Cows, Fate, Glory, Good, Justice, Law, Oracles, Sun, Vengeance, Visions
62. Nekhbet
Portfolio: Air, Birds, Good, Law, Sky, Vultures
13. Ahy / Ihy (Youth with Cobra Through his Chest)
Portfolio: Children, Dancing, Good, Music, Sound
63. Nempty
(Falcon-headed Ferryman)
Portfolio: Air, Birds, Falcons, Foolishness, Mistakes, Punishment, Rivers, Travel, Water
14. Apophis / Apep
(Netherworld Snake of Darkness)
Portfolio: Assassins, Chaos, Evil, Fire, Poison, Scalykind, Serpents, Venom
64. Neper
(Holding Grain)
Portfolio: Earth, Farming, Grain, Harvest, Plant, Seasons, Sowing
15. Apshai
(Praying Mantis)
Portfolio: Faithfulness, Farming, Insects, Plague
65. Nephthys / Nebethet*
(Crowned with a Bowl Holding a Castle in Front of a Sun)
Portfolio: Breath, Castles, Chaos, Civilization, Community, Death, Frontiers, Good, Grief, Home, Lungs, Protection, Repose, Wealth, Women
16. Astarte
(Woman with Bull's Horns Riding a Horse)
Portfolio: Battle, Beauty, Chaos, Good, War
66. Nu / Nun**
(Snake-headed and Frog-headed with Baboon Body Holding a Boat Above his Head)
Portfolio: Chaos, Destruction, Floods, Rivers, Water
17. Baal
(Warrior with a Pointed Beard Holding a Club & Spear)
Portfolio: Air, Chaos, Destruction, Sky, Storms
67. Naunet / Nunet**
Portfolio: Chaos, Destruction, Floods, Rivers, Water
18. Banebdjedet
(Ram-headed with Long Horns)
Portfolio: Air, Law, Rams, Virility, Sky
68. Nut*
(Blue-skinned with a Pot on Her Head with Stars Above her)
Portfolio: Air, Birth, Crafts, Creation, Death, Law, Light, Pottery, Repose, Sky, Stars, Wind

19. Bastet / Bast
Portfolio: Art, Cats, Chaos, Children, Destruction, Fertility, Good, Household, Joy, Love, Music, Perfume, Pregnancy, Protection, Sight, Strength, Vengeance, Vision, War
69. Opet / Ipet
(Lion-headed Hippo)
Portfolio: Contentment, Drink, Food, Hippos, Light, Lions, Nourishment, Pleasure, Pregnancy, Protection from Magic, Warmth
20. Bat
(Human with Cow Ears & Horns)
Portfolio: Community, Family, Farms, Fertility, Harvest, Love
70. Osiris*
(Green-skinned Mummy Holding Crook & Flail)
Portfolio: Air, Civilization, Death, Drought, Earth, Eternity, Farming, Fertility, Floods, Good, Grain, Harvest, Intuition, Judgement, Law, Nature, Plants, Rebirth, Repose, Underworld, Vegetation
21. Bennu
(Fiery & Heron-headed)
Portfolio: Air, Birds, Glory, Light, Rebirth, Sky, Sun
71. Ptah
(Mummy with a Staff with 4 Pillars & Ankh)
Portfolio: Crafts, Creation, Knowledge, Good, Law, Names, Nobility, Protection, Royalty, Secrets, Teleportation, Travel, True Names

22. Bes
(Dwarf Dressed in Panther Fur)
Portfolio: Entertainment, Games, Gambling, Household, Luck, Music, Protection, Trickery
72. Qadesh / Qatesh
(Standing on a Lion Holding Flowers)
Portfolio: Animals, Chaos, Flowers, Good, Lions, Night, Plants, Pleasure, Stars
23. Duamutef
(Jackal-headed Funeral Jar)
Portfolio: Cemeteries, Death, East, Embalming, Funerals, Intestines, Jackals, Mummification, Repose, Stomach
73. Qebehsenuef
(Falcon-headed Funeral Jar)
Portfolio: Cemeteries, Death, Embalming, Falcons, Funerals, Intestines, Mummification, Repose, Stars
24. Geb*
(Greenskinned & Goose-headed)
Portfolio: Animals, Air, Birds, Earth, Fertility, Geese, Nature
74. Qebhet
(Snake-headed, Filled with Stars, Holding a Bowl of Water)
Portfolio: Death, Drinking, Refreshment, Replenishment, Renewal, Souls, Spirits, Truth, Underworld, Water
25. Hapi
(Baboon-headed Funeral Jar)
Portfolio: Cemeteries, Chaos, Death, Embalming, Fertility, Flood, Good, Harvest, Lungs, Mummification, North, Plant, Repose, Rivers, Water
75. Qerh / Niau**
Portfolio: Chaos, Darkness, Evil, Frogs, Night
26. Hathor
(Human-headed Cow)
Portfolio: Alcohol, Birth, Children, Community, Cows, Dance, Fate, Fortelling, Good, Happiness, Love, Luck, Moon, Mothers, Music, Prophecy, Sky, Sun
76. Qerhet / Niaut**
Portfolio: Chaos, Emptiness, Evil, Frogs, Hollowness, Void 
27. Hatmehyt
Portfolio: Fish, Good, Lakes, Rivers, Water
77. Ra / Re
(Hawk-headed with Cobra Headress)
Portfolio: Combat, Courage, Creation, Fire, Glory, Good, Life, Light, Nobility, Pharoahs, Travel, War
28. Hedjhotep
(Holding Royal Garments and Loose Cloth)
Portfolio: Cemeteries, Clothing, Death, Embalming, Fashion, Healing, Law, Style, Tapestries, Weaving
78. Renenutet / Ernutet
(Cobra-headed Naga)
Portfolio: Children, Cobras, Good, Harvest, Mothers, Names, Protection, Secrets, Snakes, Underworld
29. Hedjwer-Babi
(Pale Baboon with Human Head)
Portfolio: Ancestors, Aggression, Baboon, Combat, Fertility, Strength, Sun, Underworld, Violence
79. Reshef / Resheph
(Centaur Wearing a White Crown with a Beard Holding a Spear)
Portfolio: Combat, Disease, Gazelles, Healing, Horses, Plague, Protection, War
30. Hehet / Hauhet**
Portfolio: Chaos, Destruction, Floods, Formlessness, Scalykind, Snakes
80. Sah / Saah
(Holding Wine and a Star)
Portfolio: Hunter Constellation, Night, Sky, Spirits, Stars, Vineyards, Wine
31. Hehu / Heh / Huh**
Portfolio: Chaos, Destruction, Flood, Formlessness, Infinity
81. Satet / Satis
(White Crown with Antelope and Gazelle Horns)
Portfolio: Archery, Flooding, Gazelles, Good, Law, Protection, River, South, Water
32. Heka
Portfolio: Chaos, Duality, Incantations, Magic, Rituals, Spells, Summoning
82. Sekhmet / Pahket
(Lion-headed with Sharp Claws)
Portfolio: Claws, Combat, Desert, Drought, Fire, Glory, Healing, Heat, Hunter, Light, Poison, Powerful, Protection, Strength, Sun, Venom, War
33. Heket
(Frog-headed with Green Skin)
Portfolio: Childbirth, Fortitude, Good, Healing, Magic, Motherhood, Protection
83. Selket / Serket / Serqet
(Human-headed Scorpion)
Portfolio: Amulets, Assassins, Elbalming, Intestines, Justice, Magic, Murder, Poison, Protection, Repose, Scorpions, Vengeance, Venom, Wrath
34. Heptet
(Snake-headed with Long Dagger)
Portfolio: Dreams, Healing, Monkeys, Protection, Nightmares, Renewal, Rest, Sleep, Snakes
84. Seshat
(Wearing a Horned Tree snd 7 Pointed Star Crown with a Panther-skin Robe and Holding a Crooked Time Staff with a Frog on Top)
Portfolio: Knowledge, Languages, Lore, Plants, Reading, Scribes, Stars, Trees, Writing
35. Herishef
Portfolio: Creation, Glory, Good, Law, Light, Rams, Sun
85. Set*
(Aardvark/Donkey-headed with Square-tipped Ears, a Canine Body, and Seepents Coiled Around his Arms)
Portfolio: Air, Assassins, Barreness, Chaos, Darkness, Death, Desert, Destruction, Drought, Evil, Infertility, Night, Pain, Poison, Storms, Strength, Suffering
36. Horus
Portfolio: Air, Falcons, Fire, Justice, Kingship, Law, Life, Mind, Nobility, Pharoahs, Righteousness, Sky, Sphinx, Vengeance 
86. Shai / Shay
(Serpent-headed Pig)
Portfolio: Birth, Chance, Chaos, Destiny, Fate, Good, Kismet, Luck, Rebirth
37. Hu
Portfolio: Authority, Creation, Lawful, Magic, Spells, Tradition
87. Shezmu / Shesmu
(Lion-headed Hawk Holding Wine with a Snake and 2 Stars Above)
Portfolio: Alcohol, Beauty, Blood, Death, Murder, Oils, Slaughter, Underworld, Violence, Wine
38. Imhotep
(Pharaoh Granted Godhood Wearing Skullcap and Holding Papyrus Scroll)
Portfolio: Artifice, Crafts, Carpentry, Fertility, Healing, Knowledge, Medicine, Sculpting, Wisdom
88. Shu*
(Lion-headed with a Feather Crown Sitting on a Throne)
Portfolio: Air, Birds, Clouds, Elementals, Emptiness, Fire, Knowledge, Lions, Lore, Sky
39. Imsety
(Human-headed Funeral Jar)
Portfolio: Cemeteries, Death, Embalming, Good, Law, Liver, Mummification, Repose, South
89. Sia / Saa
(Bleeding Eyes & Holding a Papyrus Scroll)
Portfolio: Fire, Law, Perception, Sight, Speech, Sun, Understanding, Vision, Wisdom
40. Isis*
(Pharaoh with Throne Crown)
Portfolio: Beauty, Children, Commitment, Devotion, Fertility, Good, Heart, Liver, Love, Magic, Marriage, Mothers, Nobility, Pharoahs, Protection, Rebirth, Resurrection, Rituals, Spells, Water
90. Sobek
Portfolio: Animals, Chaos, Combat, Crocodiles, Evil, Lakes, Lizards, Pharoahs, Reptiles, Rivers, Scalykind, Strength, Swamps, Violence, War, Water, Wetlands
41. Kekui / Kek**
Portfolio: Chaos, Darkness, Evil, Formlessness, Night
91. Sokar / Seker
(Falcon-headed Mummy)
Portfolio: Embalming, Death, Endurance, Glory, Good, Justice, Law, Light, Mummifacation, Repose
42. Kekuit / Keket**
Portfolio: Chaos, Destruction, Darkness, Evil, Formlessness, Secrets
92. Sopdet / Sothis
(Cow-headed with a White Crown & a Star Above)
Portfolio: Fertility, Floods, Law, Light, New Year, Night, Rain, Rivers, Sky, Stars
43. Khentamentiu
(Jackal Skeleton with a Bushy Tail)
Portfolio: Cemeteries, Death, Guards, Protection, Law, Skeletons, Tombs, Underworld, West
93. Tatenen
(Ram-headed with Blue Skin Holding a Falcon-headed Mace and Magic Staff)
Portfolio: Air, Archery, Combat, Falcons, Floods, Good, Magic, Plants, Soil, Silt, Water
44. Khepri / Kheper
Portfolio: Creation, Glory, Good, Lawful, Light, Sun
94. Taweret
(Crocodile/Lion/Hippo Hybrid)
Portfolio: Animals, Birth, Crocodiles, Fertility, Hippos, Household, Mothers, North, Rebirth, Rivers, Water
45. Kherty / Aken
(Ram-headed Ferryman Holding Bread and Standing on a Boat)
Portfolio: Boats, Bread, Death, Guide, Rams, Sleep, Souls, Spirits, Underworld
95. Tayet
(Shrouded Woman Holding a Mummy)
Portfolio: Bandages, Cemeteries, Cloth, Death, Embalming, Good, Healing, Herbs, Mummification, Repose, Weaving
46. Khnum
(Ram-headed with Pottery Wheel in his Hands)
Portfolio: Artifice, Crafts, Creation, Earth, Good, Pottery, Rams, Soil
96. Tefenet / Tefnut*
(Lion-headed Serpent)
Portfolio: Air, Destruction, Good, Law, Rain, Storms, Water, Wind
47. Khonsu
(Falcon-headed with Moon Crown)
Portfolio: Animals, Good, Light, Moon, Night 
97. Thoth
(Ibis-headed with Moondisk Crown Holding an Ankh, Sometimes a Baboon)
Portfolio: Knowledge, Law, Learning, Light, Lore, Magic, Mind, Moon, Order, Protection, Rituals, Rune, Sages, Scribes, Secrets, Spells, Teaching, Time, Wisdom, Writing
48. Maahas / Mihos
(Lion-headed with a Crown of Snakes)
Portfolio: Courage, Lions, Scalykind, Snakes, Strength, War
98. Wadjet
(Cobra Twined Around a Papyrus Stem)
Portfolio: Cobras, Embalming, Knowledge, Lore, Mummification, Pharoahs, Purification, Repose, Scalykind, Snakes
49. Ma'at
(Pharaoh with Ostrich Feather Crown) 
Portfolio: Balance, Equality, Fairness, Good, Justice, Law, Order, Righteousness, Stability, Truth
99. Wadj-Wer
(Green Long Hair and Blue-skinned Pregnant Body Filled with Water)
Portfolio: Life, Mothers, Pregnancy, Prosperity, Rivers, Salt, Sea, Water, Wealth
50. Mafdet
(Lynx with Snake in her Mouth)
Portfolio: Good, Protection (especially vs. scorpions & snakes), Snakes
100. Wepwawet
Portfolio: Death, Dogs, Guide, Hunting, Travel, Underworld, Wolves

*Ennead, **Ogdoad

Egyptian Links:

1 comment:

  1. Hey -- I am really interested in this setting. I'm working on a setting that is loosely based on the ancient middle east, with a big language influence from Sumerian & Akkadian. I just left a comment on your spell page too... If you feel like connecting, I'd appreciate it --
