Monday, June 26, 2017

Ten RPG Magical Circles / Symbols / Sigils / Arcane Brands

I doodled up a bunch of these magical symbol type things awhile back and I'm going to use these ten in my next RPG adventure entitled Suffering of the Moth Queen.  Maybe you can plop them into your campaign.  These symbols are going to be branded into the skin of the ten scattered body parts of the Moth Queen in the adventure.

Friday, June 23, 2017

1D20 RPG Herbs & Poisons

I intentionally went for very hard to pronounce “tongue-twister” names for each of these herbs or poisons, but they also have a nick-name that the common folk use.

For a bit of ornery GM fun you could make the players try to pronounce the herb that they are using to gain their beneficial effects... There is no correct way to pronounce them though.

1D20 Roll
Verusktorild/She of the Crimson Eye – When you grind the stem into a powder it can be blown into the eyes of your target to daze and partially blind them for 1D2 rounds.
Lorenbannysy/Bloodroot Broth – If you mix a few drops of blood into the crushed roots of this plant it will produce heat for 1D6 hours equal to that of smoldering coals.
Enisghatora/Purple Limb – The leaves of this plant when chewed to a pulp are toxic. If this substance is smeared onto a blade and enters through a wound the area near the wound will swell drastically causing intense pain and then the affected flesh will turn a dark purple.
Serechtonalde/Garland's Berry – A creature that eats the fruit of this plant will not take any violent action unless they are attacked.
Ormagetasechight/Vurnon's Cauldron – If you mix the buds of this plant with sand it will produce a noxious substance that reeks horribly.
Agetontiaundler/Spit of the Widow – Chewing and spitting the leaves of this plant in to the face of a dying thing will keep them from crossing over to the other side until natural or magical healing can be used on them.
Deltherdentonem/Pangs of the Dog – If you dehydrate the flower petals of this plant they can be ingested to get rid of hunger for 1D12 hours. If used for a week however the creature or person will no longer be able to digest food correctly and will start to death no matter how much food is ingested.
Rynhonbanunty/Milk of the Infant – Sucking out the milk from the stem and drinking it provides energy for staying awake for 1D4 days. After its effects wear off the person that drank it will fall into a deep coma that lasts 1D2 days.
Yerestenthkinon/Girnin's Giggling Root – Eating the roots of this plant will heal injuries (1D4 hit points plus 1 point of any stat damage). A side-effect of this herb is that the creature or person that ate it will giggle uncontrollably for 1D6 minutes after eating it.
Dynuskuntinga/He of the Still Form – If you grind the flower petals of this plant and mix it in a drink it will paralyze the person that drinks it for 1D6 minutes.
Undildgarserage/Eyes of the Sleeper – Someone that is in a deep slumber (natural or magical) that smells this pungent fruit will awaken.
Ansayarhat/Cold's Demise – When the entire plant is sprinkled with the ground up leaves of the Yerestenthkinon plant (see above) it will produce a short-lived fire. The fumes are said to be beneficial for getting over minor sicknesses too.
Serackuskhon/Marlae's Bruise – A wrap made out of the entire plant will heal 1D10 hit points worth of damage that were caused by blunt weapons.
Achesselmaro - If you lie these plants end to end around a campsite or around a dwelling all insects will not cross it.  It can also be used as a way to scare of larger more violent insects from attacking you.
Tonelminaorusk/Bindings of the Martyr – Bleeding can be stopped by cutting a section of this plants' leaf and placing it over a wound caused by a slashing weapon (treat as a binded wound). If the patient engages in any fighting or athletic maneuvers before the injury is healed the wound will tear open again.
Bangharakiaril/Death of the Leech – If the juice of this plants' berries is slightly heated and imbibed it will reduce fevers and kill any parasites in or on the patient.
Nalechingnygar/Savage Mask – By tying all of the long tubers from one of these plants into your hair you can gain the trust of one animal. It is up to the GM's discretion as to what that animal does for you, or if they become a temporary ally.
Seringildageia/Orange Dream – If you place and hold the buds of this plant in your mouth you can spit out an orange substance. This substance produces hallucinogenic dreams if it is drizzled into someone's eyes.
Emechpolon/Hollistor's Pollen – If the pollen is painstakingly collected it can be sniffed to give the inhaler a burst of speed and an increase in movement.
Issangeldir/Amalthea's Lizard Skin – If the entire large plant is ingested (roughly the same as a large meal) the creature or person that ate it will have their skin toughen much like scales or natural armor.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

NPC Images for Green Ronin's A Song of Ice and Fire RPG

I'm running a play by post game of Green Ronin's A Song of Ice and Fire RPG for the first time.  I did get a chance to play under an awesome GM (who used to be on YouTube called ZigCopasetic) and he taught me that NPC images like this are a very handy player reference in political games.  It seems to help keeping all of the political machinations straight in your head if you have some faces to put to all of the backstabbing schemes.  I put the characters on there too, to remind everyone what position the characters have in the House of Banefort.

Links for more info on House Banefort:

PBP Game: 

Here is the NPC image.

Avalon Hill's Titan: Additional Creatures

I do not get a chance to play many board games, but there is a special place in my dark heart for Avalon Hill's beautifully illustrated masterpiece Titan.  It is an esoteric game of merciless fantasy brutality.  I imagine the players getting sprayed in the face with blood like they were Ash in the Evil Dead flicks as they play.  I've seen multiplayer games where two of the 6 players were destroyed in just the 2nd turn.  This game doesn't care if you go crying over in the corner after a humiliating defeat.  It also has a nice balance of luck vs. strategy so it is possible to have a lucky player stand toe-to-toe with your friend that could be nick-named General Tactics.  I tended to be the lucky player.  My brain does not grok strategy for the most part, unless taught by YEARS of failures and public massacres at the gaming table.  lol. 

Anyway, here are some higher-level creatures that my little Titan group made up over the years.  The numbers and abilities probably still need adjusted, but here they are.  Apologies for the bad photography.
Tower: At 300 Points you can get a Knight (7 - 5)

Brush: With 3 Gorgans you can get a Manticore (11 Flying / Range Strike 2)

Jungle: With 2 Serpents you can get a Froghemoth (12 Ranged Strike 3)

Plains: With 3 Rangers you can get a Bearhawk (8 Flying 3)

Woods: With 2 Unicorns you can get an Ent (8 Range Strike / Special Range Strike Through Trees 4)

Desert: With 2 Hyrdras you can get a Sphinx (9 Flying / Range Strike 4)

Marsh: With 3 Rangers you can get a Giant Spider (6 Range Strike 4)

Hills: With 2 Unicorns you can get a Nightmare (8 Flying 4)

Swamp: With 2 Hydras you can get a Black Dragon (12 Flying / Range Strike 3)

Mountain: With 2 Colossus you can get a Leviathan (15 Range Strike 3)

Tundra: With 2 Colossus you can get a Dracolich (9 Range Strike 5)

There are only 4 of the extra creatures for the Brush, Plains, and Marsh and more of the bigger ones.

That's it for today folks.  I'm sure I'll be back to RPG Thing in the next post.  Have a good one out there.  May your Titan be the last one standing the next time you next wade into the bloodbath that is Avalon Hill's Titan. 

Monday, June 19, 2017

Re: Hoards of Swords (1D20 Weird Swords)

Sam Mameli posted this image over on Google+ and I went a bit nuts and described most of the swords in the comments beneath it.

I don't know why I can't be this creative with my own motivation.  I seem to work best when someone tells me to do something and then I get to work in answering it in my own strange way.  I guess I just need creative direction. 

Anyway, without further ado, here is the list that others and myself came up with.  I edited them all a bit to my own liking.

1. Heartstrings.  The blade is a normal blade (not even that finely crafted) but the handle of the sword is made from wrapped dragon heartstrings. Those that wield the blade can cast one random spell per day, and they can more easily resist the spell-like effects of dragons, lizardfolk, and any other scaly foe.

2. Hangman's Toothpick.  This sword mysteriously clattered on the ground beneath an unarmed man that was hanged for unspecified "crimes against the crown." The blade is cold to the touch. If this sword is attacking a creature they will hear whispers all around them, distracting them and making them easier to hit.

3. The Grieving Butcher. This sword feels more like a meat cleaver when wielded. It grants a large attack bonus vs. stationary targets. The sword is said to have been created by a widowed meat merchant.

4. Eye Bane. On a critical roll the target of the blade will be permanently blinded unless they make a saving throw.

5. Sacrificial Blade of the Water Priestesses. Those killed by this blade have their bodies turned quickly into pools of churning water that evaporate after 1D6 minutes.

6. The Wayward Gem.  This blade is said to have belonged to the Heathrowe family.  The gem of the sword falls off during a battle and teleports itself to random locations.  The wielder of the blade can then also teleport to the gem's location along with anyone else that is touching them. 

7. The Paddle Sword. This roughly worked sword changes into a paddle when it touches water (or at the wrong time when it is raining, or someone spits on it).

8. Sword of the Shattered Bone. On a successful hit one random bone will break cleanly inside the victim (if they fail a saving throw).

9. Death of Stars.  This sword is rumored to have fallen out of the hand of a dying "Star Childe." Before it died it wrote the strange sigils on the blade with its elongated finger and blew on it with its final breath. Any creature slain by this sword is temporarily possessed (for 1D6 rounds) by the sword's original owner and it spouts off wisdom in a strange unknown tongue (something like a Comprehend Languages spell will be needed to decipher it).

10. Heavy-hearted.  This blade has an enchantment on it that makes it weigh the same as a large warhorse unless the wielder is from the _________ race/species (something in your setting of choice). Most people cannot pick it up or move it.

11. The Serpent's Kiss. When a critical is rolled on an attack a living irate snake is implanted in the target's intestines.

12. Axeblade.  This is a normal sword, though it can act more like an axe for chopping down trees. The handle also unscrews to reveal a secret compartment in the handle.

13. Pyramid Key.  Once per day this sword summons a stone pyramid shelter.  The sword is the key to open and to lock it. 

14. Lost Sword of Halves. This sword has never killed a single soul and it never will though it does wound. It reduces the Hit Points of the victim in half with every successful hit (round up to the nearest whole number).

15. Sword of Self-Decapitation. Upon her death bed, a woman pulled this strange brand from beneath the covers. With a command word the sword decapitated her violently by itself. The sword is of fine craftsmanship, but it holds no other abilities.

16. Bloodspitter.  This sword has a mechanical lever that when pushed forward sucks blood from a body. This lever can also be reversed to spray blood out of a small hole at the top of the sword. Other liquids can be held in the sword, but it will begin to shake violently after any other liquids are contained it after 1D6 hours.

17. The Smoldering Ruin. Small flames can be lit on the cross-guard and they will stay lit for 1D6 hours. These flames stay lit even when the sword is being used violently in combat. If a 1 is ever rolled during an attack the wielder of the blade must roll a saving throw or one of their appendages will burst into flames and turn instantly into ashes. The blade hates magic-users and grants the wielder a bonus when attacking them.

18. Carnival Bone. This strange sword heals undead creatures when it stabs them and does not deal any damage whatsoever to living creatures (it turns ethereal and passes right through them). It is said that the sword was used in a traveling carnival.

19. Time Blades.  Reclusive, pacifistic elves live for generations isolated from the violence of their former lands. When raiders find and start targeting these elves, swords were made having only dusty scrolls and hearth-fire stories to go on. The result were 10 matching blades that seemed to slice through time itself. Whenever the wielder uses the sword in a purely defensive maneuver, adjust the player's initiative score in a positive way.  Also, on a natural 20 the wielder of the sword can choose to return to a point right before the fight to avoid all bloodshed.  

20. Thornblade.  These wooden weapons are sentient swords grown by a sect of reclusive druids in remote part of the world.  When wielded by a ranger or druid (or other nature-based character), the blade deals damage as a metal longsword.  On a critical hit the target of the sword will sprout 1D6 trees upon their death that will grow quickly out from their flesh.  For other non-nature affiliated characters, the blade deals damage as a shortsword and wounds the wielder on a fumble or natural 1.  The thornblade will lose its shape and lose its abilities if not bathed water regularly.


Thursday, June 15, 2017

More Revised Lamentations of the Flame Princess Spell Names

In a recent post I renamed the first four levels of the magic-user spell list.  You can find that here:

I was shown this link and without even knowing it I was using a lot of these naming conventions for the spells.  If you also wanted to re-imagine spell names it would be a handy guide.

In this post I go through and rename the rest of the magic-user spells.  As before, some of the names are a little... eh... but they are what I could come up with.  Feel free to suggest some other names down in the comment section.  Without further ado... Here. We. Go!

5th Level Spells
1. Airy Water --> Breathable Slime Pustule
2. Animate Dead --> Move Thy Worm-eaten Limbs Anew
3. Chaos --> Imbibe on the Teet of Chaos
4. Cloudkill --> Churning Fumes of the Regretful
5. Contact Outer Sphere --> Possessed by the Unheeding Stars
6. Creation Major --> Dissect the Organs of the Void
7. Faithful Hound --> Howling Man-eater
8. Feeblemind --> Purging the Debris of Thought
9. Hold Monster --> Twist and Tear the Limbs of Monstrous Birth
10. Interposing Hand --> Loathsome Mass of Crawling Hands
11. Magic Jar --> Preserved Shrunken Corpse Jar
12. Passwall --> Step Through the Bowels of the Ever Sleeping
13. Secret Chest --> Dimensional Chest Cavity
14. Stone Shape --> Carve Stone Like Succulent Flesh
15. Telekinesis --> Quivering Imperceptible Hands of the Unborn
16. Teleport --> Squirm Through Intestinal Vortexes
17. Transmute Rock to Mud --> Melt the Ancient Bones of the World
18. Wall of Force --> Pile of Hateful Slaughtered Spouses
19. Wall of Iron --> Pile of Impenetrable Joined Skulls
20. Wall of Stone --> Heed the Indurated Bones of the World

6th Level Spells
1. Animate Dead Monsters --> Fill the Still Brute with Daemonic Essence
2. Barrier --> Moaning Pile of Dripping Meat
3. Contingency --> Carved In My Anxious Skin
4. Deathspell --> Even Your Organs Obey Mine Will
5. Disintegrate --> Undo the Unutterable Bonds of Creation
6. Geas --> Lips Slathered with Directed Malice
7. Glass Eye --> Matter Is a Deceitful Lie
8. Globe of Invulnerability Major --> There Is Power In Eating Living Flesh
9. Legend Lore --> Milk the Decayed Strands of Reality
10. Lucubration --> (I'm not going to be able to find a cooler name that that).
11. Mind Switch --> Unclasping the Self From Its Meat
12. Move Earth --> Lumbering Assisting Vermin Corpses
13. Phantasmal Supergoria (Leave as is, hehe).
14. Projected Image --> Tear the Illusory Self in Twain
15. Shades --> Nightmares Wrapped in Shadows
16. Speak with Monsters --> Sever the Unruly Tongue
17. Stone to Flesh --> Flesh of the Abhorrent Sculptor
18. Suggestion Mass --> The Call of the Flayed Tongue
19. Veil --> Draped In Prevarication
20. Weird Vortex --> Whims of Pandemonium

7th Level Spells 
1. Animated Artwork --> Jolt the Stagnant Muse In Prostration
2. Bestow Spell Ability --> Gift of Moving Inviolate Fluids
3. Duo-Dimension --> Thin Like the Walls of Consciousness
4. Grasping Hands --> Clasping Hands of Childless Spectres
5. Instant Summons --> Pulled to the Gem of My Trapped Soul
6. Invisibility Mass --> Painted with Sanguine Bands

7. Magic Sword --> Sword of Burnt Souls
8. Phase Door --> Part the Restricting Confinements
9. Power Word Stun --> Grunt of Viscous Intent
10. Prismatic Sphere --> Font of Vibrant Humores
11. Prismatic Spray --> Kaleidoscopic Spew of Mucus
12. Prismatic Wall --> Pile of Brilliant Glass Shards
13. Remote Surveillance --> Article of Illicit Voyeurism
14. Reverse Gravity --> Spite the Law of Weightedness
15. Simulacrum --> (This word is always cool but I'm going to try to replace it) Spurious Life of the Frigid Heart
16. Spell Turning --> Suffer the Pain of What Thou Wrought
17. Statue --> Unfurl the Cosmic Rigidity
18. Vanish --> Banish with Pure Unaltered Hatred
19. Vision --> Hallucinogenic Spastic Daze
20. Witchlamp Aura --> Concealed Casing of the Shadowfolk

8th Level Spells 
1. Antipathy/Sympathy --> Emanations of the Vibrant Ether
2. Charm Person Mass--> Crush Their Feeble Mewling Resistance
3. Clone --> Enslave the Future Spirit Self
4. Demand --> Thought Transference In Discarded Flesh
5. Maze --> Labyrinth of the Clouded Mind
6. Mindblank --> Strangle the Estranged Voices in My Skull
7. Permanency --> Echoes That Ripple Through Eternity
8. Polymorph Any Object --> Manipulate the Malleable Existence (eh... this one needs work)
9. Symbol --> Sigils of the Insane Gods
10. Trap the Soul --> Forever Sealed for Apathetic Eyes to Behold

9th Level Spells 

1. Imprisonment --> Ensnared by the Might of Mine Indomitable Will
2. Lost Dweomer [Funny, I don't think this spell is listed in the spell descriptions] --> Ripping the Aged Secrets from the Vaults of Infinity
3. Power Word Kill --> My Name is a Killing Word *Dune... Cough*
4. Shape Change --> Skin Like Liquid (Cannibal Corpse tune)
5. Temporal Stasis --> Racked by the Absurdity of Hope
6. Time Stop --> I Crawled Through the Divinity of Time

Other random spell names:

Wish --> Steal the Life of the Jealous Gods
Impermanence of Will
Stability's Demise

Monday, June 12, 2017

Revised Lamentations of the Flame Princess Magic-User Spell Names

Does anyone else think that the standard D&D spell names kind of suck for weird horror fantasy games like Lamentations of the Flame Princess? Sure, we all are familiar with those spell names, but I think I want them to have horrible names, and I'd also like to revise them with more disgusting spell descriptions...  For now, here are the first four levels of magic-user spell names twisted to my own liking.  I'm not happy with all of them, but this is what I came up with today. 

First Level Magic-User Spells

1. Bookspeak --> Screaming Libris
2. Charm Person --> Devouring the Walls of Self
3. Comprehend Languages --> Guttural Ear Worms
4. Detect Magic --> Caress of Chaos' Tendrils
5. Enlarge --> Torn Flesh / Expanded Bone
6. Faerie Fire --> Undulating Corpusant Skin
7. Feather Fall --> Coagulated Wings
8. Floating Disk --> Emaciated Floating Corpse
9. Hold Portal --> Stubborn Hands from Below
10. Identify --> Drink Knowledge from the Damned
11. Light --> Breath of a Slain God
12. Magic Aura --> Directed Hallucination
13. Magic Missile --> Arcane Vivisection
14. Mending --> Bind with Flesh/Hair
15. Message --> Voices of the Mind
*Read Magic --> Promulgate the Orderly Mind
16. Shield --> Spirit Scapegoat
17. Sleep --> Shatter Conscious Thought
18. Spider Climb --> Arachnid Sacrifice
19. Summon --> Break the Seals of Order
20. Unseen Servant --> Restless Spirit Slave

Second Level Spells

1. Audible Glamour --> Chorus of Muttering Winds
2. Change Self --> Defile Thy Mortal Prison
3. Detect Invisible --> Eyes on Two Planes
4. ESP --> Pierce the Boundaries of Perception
5. Force of Forbidment --> (I actually like this name a lot, No Change)
6. Forget --> Rend the Wet Skull
7. Invisibility --> Hidden by the Slain Face (or maybe Blood Shall Hide Thee)
8. Knock --> Throw Wide the Constraints of Passage (yeah...)
9. Levitate --> Risen by Burning Souls
10. Light, Continued --> Last Breath of a Forgotten Diety
11. Locate Object --> Reveal the Obscured or Die Eternally
12. Magic Mouth --> Cacophonous Exposed Intestines
13. Mirror Image --> Siblings of the Shallow Well
14. Phantasmal Force --> (This is another great one...) Abyssal Shade
15. Ray of Enfeeblement --> Caress of the Sludge Daemon
16. Speak with Animals --> Bite the Beast's Tongue
17. Stinking Cloud --> Breath of the Putrid Muse
18. Wall of Fog --> Call the Suicidal Souls
19. Web --> Viscous Projectile Slime
20. Wizard Lock --> Bindings of the Black Hand

Third Level Spells

1. Army of One --> Light Thy Hatred with Rage
2. Clairvoyance --> By this Severed Heart...
3. Detect Illusion --> Slaughter the Lies of Sight
4. Dispel Magic --> Ingest the Traces of Chaos
5. Explosive Runes --> Combustion of the Written Name
6. False Alignment --> Destroy the Scales of Order
7. Fly --> Dying Insectoid Swarm
8. Gaseous Form --> Putrescent Effluvium
9. Gust of Wind --> Enslave the Fallen Drifting Ones
10. Haste --> Burn Thy Life at Both Ends
11. Hold Person --> Break Those Bones Whose Sinews Gave It Motion (Meshuggah tune)
12. Howl of the Moon --> (Also a great spell title) Savage Blood-thirsty Lunacy
13. Invisibility 10' Radius --> Lurking Beneath Innocent Blood
14. Phantasmal Psychedelia --> (Yeah, I'm not going to do better than that one, No Change).
15. Protection from Normal Missiles --> Defense of Discarded Memories
16. Secret Page --> Bloody Veiled Thoughts
17. Speak with the Dead --> I Speak with Thy Swallowed Tongue
18. Strange Waters II --> Pool of Writhing Chum
19. Suggestion --> Furrow in the Mind
20. Water Breathing --> Gills of the Slumbering Daemon

Fourth Level Spells

1. Charm Monster --> Slip Inside Its Moist Skin
2. Confusion --> Slithering Perturbation
3. Creation, Minor --> Steal Matter from the Void
4. Dig --> Restless Spirit Labor
5. Dimension Door --> Step Between Worlds
6. Extension --> Break Time's Filaments
7. Globe of Invulnerability, Minor --> Encasing Womb of the Maternal Heritage
8. Hallucinatory Terrain --> Implant the Turgid Eyes
9. Invisibility, Improved --> Bathe in the Cold Hateful Blood
10. Mnemonic Enhancer --> (Another one I can't improve upon)
11. Plant Growth --> Feed Their Roots with Rancid Flesh
12. Polymorph Others --> Control the Boundaries of Skin
13. Polymorph Self --> Ascend to the True Form of Self
14. Protection from Normal Weapons --> Steel Becomes as Water
15. Seven Gates --> Trail of Bursting Emerging Eyes
16. Shadow Monsters --> From the Eternal Shadows of Death
17. Speak with Plants --> Breath Like Pollen
18. Wall of Fire --> Unearth the Fiery Death of Reason
19. Wall of Ice --> Emit the Frigid Sigh of the Dead
20. Wizard's Eye --> Pluck and Cast Thy Eye Forth

The renamed higher level spells can be found here (note to self don't forget to put a title on your next Blogger post, hehe):

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Modern Era D&D Saving Throws

This is a not-so-serious list of saving throws for a modern era game of D&D. 

Save vs. Addictions
Save vs. Alcohol
Save vs. All-You-Can-Eat Buffet
Save vs. Amazon Purchases
Save vs. Anti-theists
Save vs. Anxiety
Save vs. Artificial Intelligence
Save vs. Bacon/Sausage
Save vs. Binge Watching
Save vs. Blue Screen of Death
Save vs. Browser Games
Save vs. Bureaucracy
Save vs. Buy Another Gaming Book You'll Probably Never Run/Play
Save vs. Caffeine Withdrawal
Save vs. Car Salesman
Save vs. Case Workers
Save vs. Collecting Worthless Stuff
Save vs. College/School
Save vs. Conscience
Save vs. Conspiracy Theory
Save vs. Cops/Police
Save vs. Consumerism
Save vs. Correcting Something Wrong on the Internet
Save vs. Creepy Dude/Gal That Won't Take a Hint
Save vs. Door-to-Door Salesmen
Save vs. DMV
Save vs. Depression
Save vs. DriveThruRPG
Save vs. Drunk Texting
Save vs. Drugs
Save vs. Exes
Save vs. Existential Dread
Save vs. Fake News
Save vs. Fast-food
Save vs. Favorite Movie Remake
Save vs. Finances
Save vs. Flaky Friends
Save vs. Food Poisoning
Save vs. Foreign Operator
Save vs. Gambling Addiction
Save vs. Guilt Trips/Shaming
Save vs. Health Insurance Companies
Save vs. Holidays with the Family
Save vs. Identity Theft
Save vs. Information Dump/Overload
Save vs. IRS
Save vs. In-laws
Save vs. Incorrect GPS Directions
Save vs. Insomnia
Save vs. Insurance Salesman
Save vs. Internet Drama
Save vs. Internet Trolls
Save vs. The Joneses
Save vs. Kickstarter
Save vs. Kids
Save vs. Labeling
Save vs. Landlord
Save vs. Late Night Phone Call from Dodgy Relative
Save vs. "The Look"
Save vs. MMORPGs
Save vs. Meme
Save vs. Mental Illness
Save vs. Micromanagement
Save vs. Middle Management
Save vs. Migraine
Save vs. Mob Mentality
Save vs. Mortgage(s)
Save vs. Neighbors/Roommates/Tenants
Save vs. Nervous Breakdown/Snapping
Save vs. Noise/Music/Neighbors with Chainsaws
Save vs. Nostalgia
Save vs. Note Going to Bed 'Cause Internet
Save vs. Online Dating
Save vs. PTA Meetings
Save vs. Panic Attacks
Save vs. Paper Jam
Save vs. Parents
Save vs. Parole Officer
Save vs. Partying Hard
Save vs. Peer Pressure
Save vs. Pigeon-holing
Save vs. Politics
Save vs. Porn
Save vs. Propaganda
Save vs. Reboot of Favorite Movie/TV Show
Save vs. Relationships/Spouse
Save vs. Religion
Save vs. Road Rage
Save vs. Scammers
Save vs. Sex
Save vs. Social Anxiety
Save vs. Social Media Faux Pas
Save vs. Spicy Food
Save vs. Starbucks
Save vs. Stress
Save vs. Stupid Bravery
Save vs. Stupidity
Save vs. TSA
Save vs. Technology/Remote Controls
Save vs. Telemarketing
Save vs. Telephone Menu System
Save vs. Traffic
Save vs. Trigger
Save vs. Trigger Warning
Save vs. Unmet Expectations
Save vs. Vices
Save vs. Work