Sunday, August 9, 2020

LotFP Style Maps Part 1

I've been having a blast doodling up these garish blocky letter style maps. I saw this map style in a Lamentations of the Flame Princess book and wanted to put my own spin on it.

I've never enjoyed making continent maps, but this was a totally different experience! It was fun! I just improvised away. Why not give it a shot?  I like using Sharpie markers and highlighters.


  1. This feels like a combination between LotFP, Troika!, and Mork Borg for the map. With this style you could easily play a metal inspired game. I will probably start drawing inspiration from this as well and see where it takes us.

  2. I need to pick up Troiks! And Mork Borg eventually.

    Good luck, I hope you can crank out some maps like this.
