The Historical Events table from the ASoIaF RPG can be folded into the Birthright Random Events table, or be another step in the turn. It could be a way to randomly increase/decrease holdings & provinces every so often. I'm going to try to translate that table into AD&D 2nd Edition Birthright lingo below.
Call it a Destiny / Winds of Chaos / Winds of Fate sort of thing perhaps. Maybe it would only once a year (at the end of every 4th Turn).
Roll 3D6
3). Doom
4). Defeat
5). Catastrophe
6). Madness
7). Invasion/Revolt
8). Scandal
9). Treachery
10). Decline/Descent
11). Infrastructure
12). Ascent
13). Favor
14). Victory
15). Villain
16). Glory
17. Conquest
18). Windfall
Ascent: +1 to Diplomacy rolls, Regain a lost Holding or Province (Treat as an automatically successful Contest & Investiture), +1 Free Army, and +1D6 GBs.
Catastrophe: -1 to a Law Holding, Population loss (-1 to Province), Lose 1 Army, and -1D4 GBs.
Conquest: -1 to a Fortification, +1 to Diplomacy rolls, Gain a free new Non-Law Holding, -1 to a Law Holding, Population increases (+1 to Province), and +1D4 GBs.
Defeat: -1 to a Fortification, -1 to Diplomacy rolls, Population loss (-1 to Province), Lose a Holding or Province (Automatic loss to a Contest and Divestiture), Lose 1 Army, and -1D4 GBs.
Decline/Descent: -1 to Diplomacy rolls, Lose a Holding (Automatic loss to a Contest and Divestiture), Lose 1 Army, and -1D4 GBs.
Doom: Lose 2 levels of Fortification, -2 to Diplomacy rolls, Lose 1 Province (Automatic loss to a Contest and Divestiture), -2 to a Law Holding, Deadly Plague -1D4 to a Province, Lose 1D4 Armies, -1D6 GBs.
Favor: +1 to Diplomacy rolls, Gain a new free Holding, +1 to a Law Holding, and Gain one free Army.
Glory: +1 to a Fortification, +1 to Diplomacy rolls, +1 to a Law Holding, and Gain one free Army.
Infrastructure: Choose 1D4 of the following: +1 to a Fortification, +1 to Diplomacy rolls, Gain a new free Holding, +1 to a Law Holding, Population Explosion +1 to a Province, Gain a free Army, +1D6 GBs.
Invasion/Revolt: -2 to a Law Holding, Lose population -1 to a Province, Lose one Army, and -D4 GBs.
Madness: 1D4 - 1D6 (total is gain or loss to a Fortification), 1D2-1D4 (total is a modifier to Diplomacy rolls), 1D2- 1D2 (total is how many Provinces you gain or lose), 1D4 - 1D2 (total is how many Holdings of your choice you gain or lose), 1D4 - 1D6 (total is how many levels of law holdings you gain or lose), 1D6 - 1D6 (total is how much you increase or decrease Provinces), 1D4 - 1D6 (total is how many Armies you lose or gain for free), and 1D6 - 1D8 (total is how many GBs you gain or lose).
Scandal: -1 to a Fortification, -1 to a Holding of your choice, and Lose 1 Army.
Treachery: -1 to Diplomacy rolls, -1 to a Law Holding, and Lose 1 Army.
Victory: +1 to a Fortification, +1 to Diplomacy rolls, and Add one free Army.
Villain: +1 to Diplomacy rolls, -1 to a Law Holding, Lose population -1 to a Province, and Add one free Army.
Windfall: +1D2 to a Fortification, +2 to Diplomacy rolls, Gain a Province (Treat as an automatically successful Contest & Investiture), +2 to a Holding, +2 to a Law Holding, Population Explosion +2 to a Province, +1D6 free Armies, +1D10 GBs.
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