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Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Recap 9: Skyrealms of Jorune RPG Campaign "Crystal Crime Time, Corastin Bar Fight, & Red Shantha"



*Ahte, Muadra Caji (played by Bill).
*Blogren, Muadra Caji (played by my son Wes).
*Bruus, Boccord Soldier (played by George).
*Titanius Englesmith, Human Explorer (played by Kris).

*Addacar (Corastin NPC), Hookbeard (Human Guide/Thief)

Ahte with the help of Hookbeard found a reputable dealer of crystals but quickly learned how expensive they were. Hookbeard (not seeming to be squeamish about committing crimes) provided some cover and a distraction so that Ahte could steal a few. Ahte botched the attempt badly... but he did get his greedy hands on 3 powerful and charged Boccrods. Hookbeard knocked out the owner and tied him up so that they could escape. 

Titanius spent a relaxing time at the research facility while his fellow adventurers were committing crimes. He learned that the Zero-Point Energy Source can now recharge a Power Cell in one week's time. The researchers hope to improve that recharge rate.

Bruus and Addacar decided to get in some of the local bar scene and Addacar convinced Bruus to meet him at a Corastin brothel. It didn't take long before Addacar was upstairs with two Corastin ladies. That left Bruus to brush up on his Corastin Culture skills... which proved to be sorely lacking. He managed to irritate the remaining bar patrons with rude egg comments. Ahte showed up and then a bar Brawl ensued. The characters fled hoping that Addacar would meet up with them later. He did, and apparently he got married! His wife barely spoke, and the characters never asked what her name was. 

Hookbeard gave everyone a quick tutorial on all things criminal and thiefy (they bumped up some larceny skills). 

After their lesson they agreed to head back to the Bronth Tonista's farm to see what was going on in the South. On the way there Blogren was kidnapped by a Shantha through a Warp that suddenly opened and closed. Ahte was able with the aid of the red crystals from the Shanthis temple to reopen the Warp so that the characters could follow after to rescue Blogren.

The characters found themselves in what they thought was some sort of chemical factory, but later it was revealed that they were in a settlement on one of Jorune's moons! There was a blend of old Earth-tec, Lamorri, and Shanthic technology present around them. The characters marveled at being able to see the whole world beneath them through a series of small windows.

As they explored the moon settlement the characters were greeted by the Thriddle Canth Lor Snoggis from their earlier travels. He was brimming with potent Isho & Lamorri power, but his Aura looked unhealthy to Ahte as if the powers were slowly ripping him apart or warring inside him. Canth revealed about the Crugar, Ramian, Shantha, & Thriddle alliance to try to destroy Ardoth and the rest of humanity's influence on Jorune. A battle broke out and Canth was effectively slaughtered despite his best efforts to kill the characters.

The Red Shantha appeared with two other Shanthas who quickly waded into the characters with violence. Their Shanthic Blades sliced and diced up the characters, but eventually they were slaughtered. Ahte was tempted to use his Lamorri powers again... but he resisted that temptation. 

Titanius got in a wicked hit on the Red Shantha that disrupted its connection to Isho (thanks to a 30 on a D30 critical hit table) and it seemed utterly under the control of Titanius. 

Further in the settlement they discovered 4 flesh-tech construct creatures with crystals for heads, wires for fingers, and Shantha corpses for bodies. They seemed to be flushed with Lamorri energy and... their blood. Titanius ordered the Red Shantha to give control over the constructs to the characters and then fall on its blade and it did so quickly without any last statement. The constructs each chose a character to follow.

Blogren was released from the medical device that had wires in his brain... Holes were left in many places from the constructs' fingers as well. Ahte and Bruus wrapped up his wounds, healed him, and plan to take his unconscious body back to Jorune. 

Lastly the group found silver-white crystals that give off light as if they were very bright lanterns. These they learned were infused with the Isho Spirits of fallen Shantha warriors.

Edit: Due to losing a vital player and gaining 2 new players we opted to wrap up this campaign and start a new one. I had a blast running a campaign in the Skyrealms of Jorune. Something I could finally scratch off my bucket list. :)


  1. Titanium Englesmith here....a coupla corrections.
    I wasn't so much "relaxing" at the research facility, as I was studying. There's a difference yaknow...

    Also, I want to be clear, that it wasn't me that told the Red When the to give control of the constructs to each of the characters, the Red Shantha the did that. That's why I'm going back to Ardoth and leaving the other greedy, self-absorbed, morally vacuous half-breeds to their own devices. They are a train wreck just waiting to happen😒😒

  2. Relaxing, eating some free meals, getting some shut-eye, and studying is what I pictured.

    I plan to post one more wrap up post for the campaign. How do you picture your character ending up after all of this? I suspect that he will continue on in a research capacity at the Earth-tec institute in Ardoth.
