1. Ahti (Wasp-headed Hippo) Portfolio: Chaos, Danger, Death, Destruction, Insects, Poison, Venom |
51. Manduilis (Ram-headed Hawk with Crown of Cobras) Portfolio: Air, Glory, Light, Rams, Scalykind, Snakes, Sun |
2. Aker (Two-headed Lion) Portfolio: Death, Earth, East, Future, Guardian, Horizon, Law, Lions, Past, Protection, Underworld, West |
52. Mehen (Snake Coiled Around the Sun) Portfolio: Good, Protection, Scalykind, Snakes, Strength, Sun |
3. Amenhotep (Pharaoh Granted Godhood) Portfolio: Death, Funerals, Good, Healing, Knowledge, Lore, Medicine, Repose, Sages, Scribes, Wisdom |
53. Mehet-Weret (Cow with a River Pouring Out of her Mouth) Portfolio: Air, Cows, Good, Flood, Rivers, Sky, Water |
4. Ammit / Ammut (Crocodile-headed Lion-Hippo Hybrid) Portfolio: Animals, Crocodiles, Hippos, Hunger, Judgement, Lions, Panthers, Truth |
54. Meretseger (Human-faced Naga) Portfolio: Cobras, Law, Poison, Scalykind, Silence, Snakes, Venom, West |
5. Amun / Amon* (Ram-headed with a Goose on Top) Portfolio: Creation, Foretelling, Frogs, Geese, Good, Hidden Power, Invisibility, Law, Oracles, Pharaohs, Prophecy, Rams, Secrets, Spirits |
55. Meskhenet (Woman Sitting on a Brick Giving Birth) Portfolio: Birth, Community, Creation, Destiny, Fate, Good, Healing, Protection |
6. Amunet (Snake-headed) Portfolio: Hidden, Invisibility, Power, Secrets, Scalykind, Snakes |
56. Min (Mummy Holding a Flail) Portfolio: Battle, Chaos, Embalming, Fertility, Mining, Repose, War |
7. Anat (Warrior Woman with Axe, Lance, & Shield) Portfolio: Battle, Good, Loyalty, Protection, War |
57. Montu (Falcon-headed with Cobra Crown Riding a Bull) Portfolio: Air, Battle, Courage, Destruction, Sacrifice, Sky, Suffering, War |
8. Anhur / Onuris (Arms Raised to Kill his Enemies with 4 Plumes on his Head) Portfolio: Battle, Chaos, Hunting, Strength, Violence, War, Warrior
58. Mut (Vulture-headed Mother) Portfolio: Air, Birds, Birth, Death, Good, Healing, Mothers, Vultures |
9. Antewy / Antiway (Two-headed Falcon) Portfolio: Air, Balance, Birds, Duality, Falcon, Integration, Opposites, Peace, Punishment, Reconciliation |
59. Naunet / Nunet** (Snake-headed) Portfolio: Creation, Good, Poison, Rivers, Scalykind, Snakes, Venom, Water |
10. Anubis (Jackal-headed) Portfolio: Balance, Cemeteries, Death, Embalming, Judgement, Law, Magic, Mummification, Repose, Rites, Rituals, Scales, Stomach, Tombs |
60. Nefertem / Nefertum (Cat-headed with Lotus Flower Staff) Portfolio: Cats, Creation, Earth, Flowers, Good, Nature, Plants |
11. Anuket / Ankhet (Gazelle-headed with Ostrich Feathers) Portfolio: Animals, Desert, Hunting, Wilderness |
61. Neith (Warrior Mother Nursing a Crocodile with a Shield with Two Crossed Arrows) Portfolio: Battle, Birth, Cloth, Creation, Crocodiles, Hunger, Mothers, Nursing, Stomach, Textiles, War, Weaving |
12. Apis-Buchis-Nemur (Bull-headed with Sun Between his Horns) Portfolio: Bulls, Cows, Fate, Glory, Good, Justice, Law, Oracles, Sun, Vengeance, Visions |
62. Nekhbet (Vulture-headed) Portfolio: Air, Birds, Good, Law, Sky, Vultures |
13. Ahy / Ihy (Youth with Cobra Through his Chest) Portfolio: Children, Dancing, Good, Music, Sound
63. Nempty (Falcon-headed Ferryman) Portfolio: Air, Birds, Falcons, Foolishness, Mistakes, Punishment, Rivers, Travel, Water |
14. Apophis / Apep (Netherworld Snake of Darkness) Portfolio: Assassins, Chaos, Evil, Fire, Poison, Scalykind, Serpents, Venom |
64. Neper (Holding Grain) Portfolio: Earth, Farming, Grain, Harvest, Plant, Seasons, Sowing |
15. Apshai (Praying Mantis) Portfolio: Faithfulness, Farming, Insects, Plague |
65. Nephthys / Nebethet* (Crowned with a Bowl Holding a Castle in Front of a Sun) Portfolio: Breath, Castles, Chaos, Civilization, Community, Death, Frontiers, Good, Grief, Home, Lungs, Protection, Repose, Wealth, Women |
16. Astarte (Woman with Bull's Horns Riding a Horse) Portfolio: Battle, Beauty, Chaos, Good, War |
66. Nu / Nun** (Snake-headed and Frog-headed with Baboon Body Holding a Boat Above his Head) Portfolio: Chaos, Destruction, Floods, Rivers, Water |
17. Baal (Warrior with a Pointed Beard Holding a Club & Spear) Portfolio: Air, Chaos, Destruction, Sky, Storms |
67. Naunet / Nunet** (Snake-headed) Portfolio: Chaos, Destruction, Floods, Rivers, Water |
18. Banebdjedet (Ram-headed with Long Horns) Portfolio: Air, Law, Rams, Virility, Sky |
68. Nut* (Blue-skinned with a Pot on Her Head with Stars Above her) Portfolio: Air, Birth, Crafts, Creation, Death, Law, Light, Pottery, Repose, Sky, Stars, Wind
19. Bastet / Bast (Cat-headed) Portfolio: Art, Cats, Chaos, Children, Destruction, Fertility, Good, Household, Joy, Love, Music, Perfume, Pregnancy, Protection, Sight, Strength, Vengeance, Vision, War |
69. Opet / Ipet (Lion-headed Hippo) Portfolio: Contentment, Drink, Food, Hippos, Light, Lions, Nourishment, Pleasure, Pregnancy, Protection from Magic, Warmth |
20. Bat (Human with Cow Ears & Horns) Portfolio: Community, Family, Farms, Fertility, Harvest, Love |
70. Osiris* (Green-skinned Mummy Holding Crook & Flail) Portfolio: Air, Civilization, Death, Drought, Earth, Eternity, Farming, Fertility, Floods, Good, Grain, Harvest, Intuition, Judgement, Law, Nature, Plants, Rebirth, Repose, Underworld, Vegetation |
21. Bennu (Fiery & Heron-headed) Portfolio: Air, Birds, Glory, Light, Rebirth, Sky, Sun |
71. Ptah (Mummy with a Staff with 4 Pillars & Ankh) Portfolio: Crafts, Creation, Knowledge, Good, Law, Names, Nobility, Protection, Royalty, Secrets, Teleportation, Travel, True Names
22. Bes (Dwarf Dressed in Panther Fur) Portfolio: Entertainment, Games, Gambling, Household, Luck, Music, Protection, Trickery |
72. Qadesh / Qatesh (Standing on a Lion Holding Flowers) Portfolio: Animals, Chaos, Flowers, Good, Lions, Night, Plants, Pleasure, Stars |
23. Duamutef (Jackal-headed Funeral Jar) Portfolio: Cemeteries, Death, East, Embalming, Funerals, Intestines, Jackals, Mummification, Repose, Stomach
73. Qebehsenuef (Falcon-headed Funeral Jar) Portfolio: Cemeteries, Death, Embalming, Falcons, Funerals, Intestines, Mummification, Repose, Stars |
24. Geb* (Greenskinned & Goose-headed) Portfolio: Animals, Air, Birds, Earth, Fertility, Geese, Nature |
74. Qebhet (Snake-headed, Filled with Stars, Holding a Bowl of Water) Portfolio: Death, Drinking, Refreshment, Replenishment, Renewal, Souls, Spirits, Truth, Underworld, Water |
25. Hapi (Baboon-headed Funeral Jar) Portfolio: Cemeteries, Chaos, Death, Embalming, Fertility, Flood, Good, Harvest, Lungs, Mummification, North, Plant, Repose, Rivers, Water |
75. Qerh / Niau** (Frog-headed) Portfolio: Chaos, Darkness, Evil, Frogs, Night |
26. Hathor (Human-headed Cow) Portfolio: Alcohol, Birth, Children, Community, Cows, Dance, Fate, Fortelling, Good, Happiness, Love, Luck, Moon, Mothers, Music, Prophecy, Sky, Sun |
76. Qerhet / Niaut** (Frog-headed) Portfolio: Chaos, Emptiness, Evil, Frogs, Hollowness, Void |
27. Hatmehyt (Fish-headed) Portfolio: Fish, Good, Lakes, Rivers, Water |
77. Ra / Re (Hawk-headed with Cobra Headress) Portfolio: Combat, Courage, Creation, Fire, Glory, Good, Life, Light, Nobility, Pharoahs, Travel, War |
28. Hedjhotep (Holding Royal Garments and Loose Cloth) Portfolio: Cemeteries, Clothing, Death, Embalming, Fashion, Healing, Law, Style, Tapestries, Weaving |
78. Renenutet / Ernutet (Cobra-headed Naga) Portfolio: Children, Cobras, Good, Harvest, Mothers, Names, Protection, Secrets, Snakes, Underworld |
29. Hedjwer-Babi (Pale Baboon with Human Head) Portfolio: Ancestors, Aggression, Baboon, Combat, Fertility, Strength, Sun, Underworld, Violence |
79. Reshef / Resheph (Centaur Wearing a White Crown with a Beard Holding a Spear) Portfolio: Combat, Disease, Gazelles, Healing, Horses, Plague, Protection, War |
30. Hehet / Hauhet** (Snake-headed) Portfolio: Chaos, Destruction, Floods, Formlessness, Scalykind, Snakes |
80. Sah / Saah (Holding Wine and a Star) Portfolio: Hunter Constellation, Night, Sky, Spirits, Stars, Vineyards, Wine |
31. Hehu / Heh / Huh** (Snake-headed) Portfolio: Chaos, Destruction, Flood, Formlessness, Infinity |
81. Satet / Satis (White Crown with Antelope and Gazelle Horns) Portfolio: Archery, Flooding, Gazelles, Good, Law, Protection, River, South, Water |
32. Heka (Snake-handed) Portfolio: Chaos, Duality, Incantations, Magic, Rituals, Spells, Summoning |
82. Sekhmet / Pahket (Lion-headed with Sharp Claws) Portfolio: Claws, Combat, Desert, Drought, Fire, Glory, Healing, Heat, Hunter, Light, Poison, Powerful, Protection, Strength, Sun, Venom, War |
33. Heket (Frog-headed with Green Skin) Portfolio: Childbirth, Fortitude, Good, Healing, Magic, Motherhood, Protection |
83. Selket / Serket / Serqet (Human-headed Scorpion) Portfolio: Amulets, Assassins, Elbalming, Intestines, Justice, Magic, Murder, Poison, Protection, Repose, Scorpions, Vengeance, Venom, Wrath |
34. Heptet (Snake-headed with Long Dagger) Portfolio: Dreams, Healing, Monkeys, Protection, Nightmares, Renewal, Rest, Sleep, Snakes |
84. Seshat (Wearing a Horned Tree snd 7 Pointed Star Crown with a Panther-skin Robe and Holding a Crooked Time Staff with a Frog on Top) Portfolio: Knowledge, Languages, Lore, Plants, Reading, Scribes, Stars, Trees, Writing |
35. Herishef (Ram-headed) Portfolio: Creation, Glory, Good, Law, Light, Rams, Sun |
85. Set* (Aardvark/Donkey-headed with Square-tipped Ears, a Canine Body, and Seepents Coiled Around his Arms) Portfolio: Air, Assassins, Barreness, Chaos, Darkness, Death, Desert, Destruction, Drought, Evil, Infertility, Night, Pain, Poison, Storms, Strength, Suffering |
36. Horus (Falcon-headed) Portfolio: Air, Falcons, Fire, Justice, Kingship, Law, Life, Mind, Nobility, Pharoahs, Righteousness, Sky, Sphinx, Vengeance |
86. Shai / Shay (Serpent-headed Pig) Portfolio: Birth, Chance, Chaos, Destiny, Fate, Good, Kismet, Luck, Rebirth |
37. Hu (Sphinx) Portfolio: Authority, Creation, Lawful, Magic, Spells, Tradition |
87. Shezmu / Shesmu (Lion-headed Hawk Holding Wine with a Snake and 2 Stars Above) Portfolio: Alcohol, Beauty, Blood, Death, Murder, Oils, Slaughter, Underworld, Violence, Wine |
38. Imhotep (Pharaoh Granted Godhood Wearing Skullcap and Holding Papyrus Scroll) Portfolio: Artifice, Crafts, Carpentry, Fertility, Healing, Knowledge, Medicine, Sculpting, Wisdom |
88. Shu* (Lion-headed with a Feather Crown Sitting on a Throne) Portfolio: Air, Birds, Clouds, Elementals, Emptiness, Fire, Knowledge, Lions, Lore, Sky |
39. Imsety (Human-headed Funeral Jar) Portfolio: Cemeteries, Death, Embalming, Good, Law, Liver, Mummification, Repose, South |
89. Sia / Saa (Bleeding Eyes & Holding a Papyrus Scroll) Portfolio: Fire, Law, Perception, Sight, Speech, Sun, Understanding, Vision, Wisdom |
40. Isis* (Pharaoh with Throne Crown) Portfolio: Beauty, Children, Commitment, Devotion, Fertility, Good, Heart, Liver, Love, Magic, Marriage, Mothers, Nobility, Pharoahs, Protection, Rebirth, Resurrection, Rituals, Spells, Water |
90. Sobek (Crocodile-headed) Portfolio: Animals, Chaos, Combat, Crocodiles, Evil, Lakes, Lizards, Pharoahs, Reptiles, Rivers, Scalykind, Strength, Swamps, Violence, War, Water, Wetlands |
41. Kekui / Kek** (Frog-headed) Portfolio: Chaos, Darkness, Evil, Formlessness, Night |
91. Sokar / Seker (Falcon-headed Mummy) Portfolio: Embalming, Death, Endurance, Glory, Good, Justice, Law, Light, Mummifacation, Repose |
42. Kekuit / Keket** (Frog-headed) Portfolio: Chaos, Destruction, Darkness, Evil, Formlessness, Secrets |
92. Sopdet / Sothis (Cow-headed with a White Crown & a Star Above) Portfolio: Fertility, Floods, Law, Light, New Year, Night, Rain, Rivers, Sky, Stars |
43. Khentamentiu (Jackal Skeleton with a Bushy Tail) Portfolio: Cemeteries, Death, Guards, Protection, Law, Skeletons, Tombs, Underworld, West |
93. Tatenen (Ram-headed with Blue Skin Holding a Falcon-headed Mace and Magic Staff) Portfolio: Air, Archery, Combat, Falcons, Floods, Good, Magic, Plants, Soil, Silt, Water |
44. Khepri / Kheper (Scarab-headed) Portfolio: Creation, Glory, Good, Lawful, Light, Sun |
94. Taweret (Crocodile/Lion/Hippo Hybrid) Portfolio: Animals, Birth, Crocodiles, Fertility, Hippos, Household, Mothers, North, Rebirth, Rivers, Water |
45. Kherty / Aken (Ram-headed Ferryman Holding Bread and Standing on a Boat) Portfolio: Boats, Bread, Death, Guide, Rams, Sleep, Souls, Spirits, Underworld |
95. Tayet (Shrouded Woman Holding a Mummy) Portfolio: Bandages, Cemeteries, Cloth, Death, Embalming, Good, Healing, Herbs, Mummification, Repose, Weaving |
46. Khnum (Ram-headed with Pottery Wheel in his Hands) Portfolio: Artifice, Crafts, Creation, Earth, Good, Pottery, Rams, Soil |
96. Tefenet / Tefnut* (Lion-headed Serpent) Portfolio: Air, Destruction, Good, Law, Rain, Storms, Water, Wind |
47. Khonsu (Falcon-headed with Moon Crown) Portfolio: Animals, Good, Light, Moon, Night |
97. Thoth (Ibis-headed with Moondisk Crown Holding an Ankh, Sometimes a Baboon) Portfolio: Knowledge, Law, Learning, Light, Lore, Magic, Mind, Moon, Order, Protection, Rituals, Rune, Sages, Scribes, Secrets, Spells, Teaching, Time, Wisdom, Writing |
48. Maahas / Mihos (Lion-headed with a Crown of Snakes) Portfolio: Courage, Lions, Scalykind, Snakes, Strength, War |
98. Wadjet (Cobra Twined Around a Papyrus Stem) Portfolio: Cobras, Embalming, Knowledge, Lore, Mummification, Pharoahs, Purification, Repose, Scalykind, Snakes |
49. Ma'at (Pharaoh with Ostrich Feather Crown) Portfolio: Balance, Equality, Fairness, Good, Justice, Law, Order, Righteousness, Stability, Truth |
99. Wadj-Wer (Green Long Hair and Blue-skinned Pregnant Body Filled with Water) Portfolio: Life, Mothers, Pregnancy, Prosperity, Rivers, Salt, Sea, Water, Wealth |
50. Mafdet (Lynx with Snake in her Mouth) Portfolio: Good, Protection (especially vs. scorpions & snakes), Snakes |
100. Wepwawet (Wolf-headed) Portfolio: Death, Dogs, Guide, Hunting, Travel, Underworld, Wolves |